"The Voice of the Heavens" = "the Word of God"

Paul the Apostle writes, "Their words go out to the ends of the world"(Romans 10.17-18).    
Whose words? He is quoting Psalms 19.4 which reads,    
"Their voice goes out..their words to the ends of the world"    
He's talking about "the voice of the heavens," for Psalms 19 starts with,    
"The heavens declare the glory of God"(verse 1).  
So when Paul says, "Their words the ends of the world"    
he is referring to the voice of the heavens.    
We can paraphrase it, Romans 10.18, like this,    
"The voice of the heavens goes out to all the world"    
Why is this important? Because previously,in Rom 10.17, Paul asks this question,    
Did they not hear [the Word of God]?"    
Actually the sequence goes like this:    
Paul says, "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved"(Rom 10.13).    
Then he reasons, "How shall they call on Him whom they have not believed?    
And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard?    
And how will they hear without a preacher?(Rom 10.14)...    
"So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing [comes] by [the preaching of] the Word of God"(Rom 10.17).    
Then Paul asks, "Have they [Jews,Gentiles] not heard [the Word of God]?"(Rom 10.18).    
We can finish this eliptical question by adding the words "[the Word of God],"    
for Paul is - has to be - referring back to "the Word of God" in the previous verse (verse 17).    
It is at this point that Paul says, "yes," and then backs that up by resorting to Psalms 19.4,    
"Their words go out to the ends of the world"(Rom 10.18),    
Which means the "words of the heavens," in other words,    
The "declaration" of "the glory of God" that "the heavens" make(Psalms 19.1).    
I will sum it up like this:  Paul asks, Have they not heard the Word of God?    
Then he answers his own question with,    
"yes, [they have heard] the voice of the heavens, [which] has gone out to all the Earth."    
Conclusion to reach: "the voice of the heavens" = "the Word of God".    
That bears repeating, "the voice of the heavens" = "the Word of God."    
Let me add that if you reject that conclusion, you aren't rejecting me.    
You are rejecting Paul the Apostle who wrote those words 2,000 years ago.    
You are rejecting his Gospel, and thus drawing down upon yourself this curse:    
"Let everyone who rejects my Gospel be accursed" (Galatians 1.8-9).  
Part 2:  
But what IS this voice of the heavens, whose "words go out to the ends of the world"?  
First of all, it isn't a literal "voice" or audible "words" at all !!  
For we read,"No speech, no language, their voice is not heard"(Psalms 19.3)  
That's the way the Hebrew actually reads.  
(But modern translations screw it up by adding words in italics.  
"There is no speech, no language where their voice is not heard.").  
Well, we need to see the "words" are metaphorical,  
and the "declaring" that "the heavens" make is metaphorical.  
Just what is it that "the heavens" are "declaring," if not LIGHT,  
starlight, plain and simple  
 - for that is all that is in "the [second] heavens," a synonym for the universe.  
Star light is clearly focused on in the verses about the sun (Ps 19.4-6).  
Plus in the Maseretic text (as distinct from the Septuagint),  
we read, "Their line is gone out thru all the Earth,"  
instead of, "Their sound is gone out.."  
The word,"line" is suggestive of rays of light.  
For that's what rays are - lines of light.  
In short, to say that "the [skies] declare the glory of God" is  
like saying that Nature reveals the character of God(Rom 1.19-21).  
As Romans 1.19-21 is the basis for the doctrine of "General Revelation," so too for Psalms 19.1-4.  
Paul, here in Rom 10.17-18, is calling "General Revelation,"  
equal to, or a form of, the "Word of God,"  
on a par with "Special Revelation," namely the Bible.  
Paul in Romans 10.3-13, is dealing with the two types of righteousness,  
that found in the Law of Moses, versus that found via faith in Christ.  
Likewise, there are the two revelations of God by God, Special Rev and General Rev.  
We see the same sort of thing in Psalms 19.
Verses1-6 are about General Revelation while
Ps. 19.7-11 is focused on the Law, ie Special Revelation.  
In Romans 10 Paul is trying to put righteousness by faith  
above that by the works of the Law, something he will expand upon in Hebrews(?)  
His turning to Psalms 19.1-4 as opposed to 19.7-11 is motivated by that need.
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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