New Speculation: Late MAY 2017 as the Time of the Russian Attack

Well I had thought in terms of June 26 2015                
(the date of the legalizing of Gay Marriage  
by the U.S. Supreme Court),                
Plus 500 days which = Nov 8 or 9 2016,                
(Depending if you count June 26 as day one,                
Or June 27th as day one)                
Fortunately nothing happened,                
Nothing nuclear anyway.                
For which I should be profusely grateful,                
Insanely relieved, exuberantly happy.                
And i am - I can say that with a straight face.                
But on Saturday, Nov 12th,                
It came to me -- 700 days instead of 500 days.                
Yes, that is the new possibility,                
For it brings us to when? Pentacost time !!                  
What is Pentacost, you ask ?                
It is an old Jewish holy day, one of the Big Three feast-times                  
(in the Torah, "the Law of Moses," Deuteronomy 16.16).               
Pentacost celebrates the start of the harvest season    
(It's called "feast of harvest," Exodus 23.16; Leviticus 23.16-17).                
But the Church adapted it, turning it into the time                  
of the celebration of the start of "the Church Age"(Acts 2).                
And the "harvest" of souls via evangelism in obedience                  
to "the Great Commission" given to us by Christ (Acts 1.8).                
Yes, He gave that assignment(the Great Commission)                  
in reply to the disciples' question,                
"Will you now restore the Kingdom to Israel?" (Acts 1.6)                
There are two parts to Christ's answer.                
The second (and overlooked) part is that                  
The Church must fulfill the Great Commission                
Before "the kingdom [of Israel]" will be restored !!                  
"You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you;                
"You shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem ..                
And to the end of the Earth"(Acts 1.8).                
In other words the Gospel has to go around the globe,                
To every nation.                
That way there will be only one unreached nation left,                
Namely the Jews and Israel, non-existent until 1948.                
They were "the first," ie, the Chosen nation.                
But Christ said, "the first shall be last,"    
(Exodus 4.22; Psalms 105.6; Matthew 19.30; Luke 13.30).                
And so now that the Great Commission has been fulfilled,                
This will be the time in which the Jews in their land will convert.                
(Note: Actually the nation collectively converts only when the whole world,                
"all nations," led by Russia, invade Israel (Zechariah 14.1-4; Ezekiel 38-39).                
(This is after Russia bombs America and takes Europe.                  
The invasion of Europe is in Daniel 11.40;                  
the invasion of Israel is given in Daniel 11.41).                
Christ the Messiah Appears over Jerusalem, stopping the invasion.                
The Israelis will "mourn as for an only son" (Zech 12.9-12)              
in addition to rejoicing - very strange. Why is that?                  
It's because they will see the Messiah is the One whom they "pierced"            
 in terms of the crucifixion of Christ 2000 years ago, and will feel remorse.)                
BUT we read that "144,000 Jews" will become believers(Revelation 7.3-4)                
BEFORE the time of destruction comes (upon America),                
(with the actual Nuclear-War destruction following in Rev 8, etc.)                
Well, I read the other day that the number of Jewish believers in Jesus                  
as the Messiah in Israel has now reached about 150,000 !!!                
That means the threshold of "144,000 [Jews]" has been reached !!                
I throw that in because it tells us the time is short,                
Russian Attack is coming in the immediate future (late May 2017 ??)                
Enuff digressing. Back to the explanation of Pentacost:                
On the first Christian Pentacost,                  
when "power came upon them" in fulfillment of Acts 1.8,                  
(about 50 days after the Crucifixion of Christ)                
The Apostle Peter connected the miracle of communication,                
(the ability to understand a speaker of  a foreign language                
As though he were speaking English)                
With the words written in the Book of Joel,                
"I [God] will pour out My Spirit in those days and  
they shall prophesy"(Joel 2,28-30; Acts 2.18).                
But Peter went further and quoted Joel about                  
"wonders in the skies above, and signs in the Earth                  
beneath: blood and fire and vapor of smoke.                
The sun shall be turned to darkness and the moon                  
into blood before the great and awesome day of the LORD"(Acts 2.19-20; Joel 2.30-31; 3.14-15).                
All that stuff about nuclear war wasn't fulfilled on THAT Pentacost.                
See "the signs" that Christ predicted would come right before His Return.        
They are all aspects of what happens in nuclear war(Matthew 24.3,29; Revelation 6.12-14).                 
My point is that Peter, being led by God to connect Joel 3 to Pentacost,                
May be unwittingly conveying to us that (some LATER) Pentacost (of an unspecified year)                
Is destined to be the time of the Nuclear War / Russian Attack.                
PS:The "Big Three" mentioned above, are Passover, Pentacost, Tabernacles.                
They correspond to the three rituals performed on Yom Kippur.(Leviticus 16).                
On that basis, Pentacost parallels the Rapture of the Church,                
Which occurs right as Russian Attack occurs.                
At Yom Kippur, the first ritual is the high priest carries  
a bowl of calf blood into the Holy of Holies(Lev 16.6,11,14).            
That stands for Christ carrying Himself into Heaven at the crucifixion.   
   (High Priest is a prefigure for Christ, Hebrews 8.11).         
So that is tied to Passover, the time of the cross.                
Ritual Number 2: the high priest carries a bowl of goat blood into            
the Holy of Holies, which blood stands for "the congregation of Israel" (Leviticus 16.5-9,15).            
That translates into Christ carrying the souls of the Church into heaven    
 AT THE RAPTURE.For the Church is the extension of Israel.            
Since that is #2 and Pentacost is the second feast time,            
Pentacost, logically, should be the time of the fulfillment.                
Ritual Number 3: The high priest comes down out of the Holy of Holies and imputes sin
onto the "goat of sin" which is then driven off into the desert(Lev 16.7-10, 21-22)..    
This stands for Christ defeating "the Man of Sin"            
(old man Gorbachev, the Antichrist (2 Thessalonians 2.3,7-8).            
It should happen around the feast of Tabernacles (Zechariah 14.16).            
 For Pentacost (3rd month)and Tabernacles(7th month) are 5 months apart.            
And "5 months" is given as the length of the Tribulation(Revelation 9.5,10),            
the time in which Russia rules (most of) the world.            
PS: "the two witnesses" are called "two olive trees."(Rev 11.3-4).      
 This goes back to the one olive tree of two parts: Jews and Christians(Romans 11.17-24).      
So the Rapture is of Jews also.           
more later
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 18th Nov 2016
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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