Russia's Recent Civil Defence Drill = a Smoking Gun, Revealing that NuclearWar is at Hand

Forty million people evacuated all the major cities        
of Russia between Oct 4 and Oct 7th. WOW !!!        
Google it to confirm my claim.        
Why is this so important?        
First, it's never happened before - on that scale.        
If Russia plans on attacking America,        
The Kremlin naturally would want to keep their people safe          
by evacuating them into shelters of some kind.        
In order for the masses to get it right,        
there has to be a drill, a practice evacuation.        
The massive one they just held is the very thing        
they WOULD DO if the Kremlin is in fact getting ready        
to bomb the hell out of America - really SOON..        
In fact, "smoking gun" is the term that comes to mind.        
Of course that is an exaggeration, for it may be months away.        
But, on the other hand, the surprise attack        
may well come in NOVEMBER.        
From the Kremlin's point of view, it would be ideal to have        
the two revolutions side by side, just a day or two apart:        
(1)the Russian Revolution of 1917, and        
(2) the world revolution of 2016.        
That's what they would call the Russian Attack on an oblivious America      
 -- a world revolution - liberation from capitalism, etc.        
So if they pick a date like November 9, this would enable        
a three day celebration: Nov 7 thru Nov 9th.        
Since three days is the length of time from Good Friday to Easter Sunday,        
they may pick the 3-day arrangement, why?        
Because they like to steal ideas, or imitate things that have already been established.        
For example Lenin imitated the Catholic Church in the way        
it carries on the succession.of its leaders, the popes..        
The man at the top picks the members of the Politburo (or whatever)        
Then when the ruler dies, the politburo picks his successor.        
Just like the Pope chooses who becomes a cardinal.        
And then they, the cardinals, select the next pope.        
It's a good system, having kept the Roman Catholic Church        
going for about two thousand years.        
(Though it's coming to an end when Russia bombs Rome this year,      
(Book of Revelation 18.10,17,19.)    
November 9th actually = 9/11 but in reverse: 11/9.    
The Kremlin may like that idea because there is a partnership    
between the Russians and the radical Moslems, for example Iran.    
The Russian-led invasion of Israel, later this year,      
Iran will participate in it, according to Ezekiel 38.5-6.    
The Russian-Moslem partnership is found also in Revelation 13.    
Beast #1 is Russia (ruling Europe) but Beast #2    
a/k/a the Lamb-Beast is clearly Iran, why?    
Because it says, the first Beast enables the second Beast    
to "make fire fall from the sky in the sight of men"    
In other words, Russia is helping Iran build the nuclear bomb,    
which then detonates into a fireball in the sky.    
Anyway, because of the 9/11 and 11/9 similarity,    
I'm thinking that November 9 may well be the day,  
To impress the Moslems, the Kremlin may try claim that 11/9 (2016)
 fulfills the work begun on 9/11 (2001), you see.   
Yes, it may  become "a day that will live in infamy," to borrow from FDR
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 7th Nov 2016
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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