What Bible Prophecies Will Russian Attack Fulfill?

(1)It would fulfill Revelation 13.7 about the Antichrist ("the Beast")              
"making war" against the Christian countries ("the saints") and      
 "overcoming them"(conquering them), and thereby                
"gaining power over every ..nation" (the world).              
Since this war is designed to gain the whole world,                
It would have to be launched by a nuclear superpower, why?              
Because if it were launched by a lesser nation,                
one of the two superpowers could just crush it like a bug.              
There are just two superpowers: the USA and Russia.              
(China would become one in 10(?) years.)              
China's modernization of its military is one reason Russia will bomb        
America and conquer Europe, China's 2 top trading partners.              
Russia would prefer the Chinese to still be riding bikes and reading Mao.              
(2)Russian Attack on America will fulfill the "sudden destruction"              
occurring right at the Rapture of the Church(1 Thessalonians 4.17-5.3).              
There is a cause and effect relationship between the destruction and the mass departure    
of saved souls (and unsaved souls at same time, Matthew 13.47-49).             
As people die, their souls always depart the body, of course.              
All the Rapture is is a mass departure due to a mass death.
(Of course there's more to it than that:Christ Appearing to them.
But doesn't He do that whenever a believer dies ??)              
(3)Russian Attack would finger the Kremlin, Gorbachev in particular,  
  "revealing him as the Son of Destruction [the Destroyer]"(2 Thess 2.3).  
For how else could a man be exposed as "the Destroyer" if not by  
his launching truly unparalleled mass destruction ??              
(4)Russian Attack would fulfill "the trumpet of God"(1 Thess 4.6).              
The bomb blasts are what the Bible calls "the trumpet of [the Judgment of] God."              
(5)The Russian Attack would vaporize bodies near "ground zero" fulfilling Paul the Apostle's words about not leaving "sleeping" corpses behind. "We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed" (1 Corinthians 15.51-52).              
(6)At the same time, Russian Attack will fulfill Christ's prediction that there will be plenty of corpses !! "Where the corpses are, there will the vultures be gathered"(Luke 17.34-37). For 4 to 5 miles beyond "Ground Zero," the heat of the fireballs will NOT be enuff to fully vaporize the bodies.of the slain.              
(7)Russian Attack on America would fulfill the combo of fire from the sky and the destruction of Sodom. I mean, Christ doesn't predict just nuclear war. No, He says it will be "just like" the day that "fire rained on SODOM and destroyed them all."(Luke 17.29-31, NIV). So the war comes only after the victim nations (America and W Europe) sink to Sodom-like lows.        
The legalization first of homosexuality, then of GAY MARRIAGE !! has brought us to that point. And 500 days later brings us to November 8th, election day. Or you could say, Nov 9th. That would be 9/11 except in reverse !! I emphasize the Gay Marriage plus a set amount of time idea. The idea is that G.M. is to be held up as a breech too far.(Fifty is the number of Jubilee, the 50th year all leased lands reverted to the owner. Moses wanted to keep land in the family, rather than for it to change hands. Anyway, 50 is a number associated with "time is up".        
So 50 x 10 = a super message that "time has run out." For Gay Marriage. After the Russian Attack, and the Second Coming of Christ,        
G.M. will never be rehabilitated. Forever STAINED by its association with the Judgment of God in the form of nuclear war !!          
(8)Russian Attack on America would include 3 nations in Western Europe for "3 horns" get "uprooted," according to Daniel 7.8.              
Russia wants to overrun Europe, taking it intact. But it bombs Rome,                
to show that if even "the eternal city" can go down, the rest of the cities also can be destroyed. "So surrender immediately and avoid Rome's fate," will be the Kremlin's demand. My guess as to the other 2 cities that Russia makes an example of would be (1) London (for Britain has always been so close to the Enemy, America). Plus (2)some city in Germany, assuming a Russian grudge against Germany due to Hitler's double-cross of Stalin.              
(9)"Three horns" get taken out but the rulership of all "ten horns" is  replaced by the rule of the eleventh horn that "comes up among them"              
(Daniel 7.8). Since "the ten horns are ten kings"(Dan 7.25), by extension they are the ten NATIONS in Western Europe ruled by them.              
(10)The "Restrainer" that gets "taken out [of the way]" BY "the Man of Sin"(2 Thessalonians 2.6) would have to be Western Europe (and America), ie NATO. For NATO has been a brake on Russian aggression in Western Europe. But why does Russia have to be the villain here in?? Because this passage is lifted from Daniel 11.36-45,              
where "the King of the North" is restrained by [butts heads with] "the King of the South,"  but then launches a massive invasion, "sweeping thru many nations like a flood"(Dan 11.40).                
(11)Russian Attack on Western Europe will fulfill the attack by "the North" upon "the South"(Dan 11.40). In the earlier part of this chapter, the North is Syria, while "Egypt" is the South(Dan 11.8).              
But by Dan 11.36 onward, it can no longer be Syria !!! So we are forced to take Syria as just PART of the larger identity of "the North."              
Since Syria is a bit player in orbit around the true ringleader nation of RUSSIA, that is what Syria points to herein !! Russia-Russia-Russia, as is so evident in the present Syrian civil war !!! While the South is no longer Egypt as much as the wider, larger alliance of which Egypt is but a part, namely the West. Egypt is directly below the newest part of NATO just as Syria is below Russia.              
But how can Russian Attack upon Western Europe fulfill "the North" attacking  "the South"? That's easy. Look on a map. Syria isn't north of Egypt (or Israel) as much as northeast. Egypt is southWEST. Likewise Russia is northeast while Western Europe is to the southwest. Syria-Egypt is the template while Russia-Western Europe is the macrocosmic fulfillment.              
(12)Russian Attack on Western Europe will fulfill Paul's words about the action in the endtime bearing resemblance to the action in Paul;s day.              
For he says, "even now "iniquity is at work"(2 Thess 2.5-6), the particular kind that will characterize "the Man of Sin" when he comes.              
Well, what was going on in Paul's day, in the first Christian century? Barbarian tribes from the East were pushing western into the Roman empire, which was restraining their advance. :Paul is saying THAT is a prefigure of things to come in the far future (our day).              
(13).Finally, the Millennium (Revelation 20) is "the Church Age" in veiled form. St Augustine had it right("City of God," book 20, chap.8).        
He says that that period "goes by the NAME of a thousand years, " rather than it IS a thousand years. He says it runs from the Advent of Christ over to His Return, in other words, the Church Age. I came to that same conclusion myself independently. When i saw that Gog and Magog invade Israel (Rev 20.8) just like in Ezekiel 38-39, I realized both accounts are talking about the SAME invasion !!!          
Russian Attack will fulfill "the Millennium," the ending of it, where the Dragon rises out of the abyss at the end of a thousand years(Revelation 20). The "7 heads, 10 horns" identifies the Dragon as nothing more than the "4th Beast" of Dan 7.7, or rather its return.            
Namely the return of the Roman empire(at the end of the Church Age). That empire was marked by one-man-rule (by Caesar) over the mainland.of Europe. After that empire fell one-man-rule was replaced by each nation having its own ruler.            
So, naturally, the "return" of that empire simply means that one-man-rule will return to Western Europe. - It will come in the form of rule by Russia. For Russia will conquer all of Europe.The ruler of this future united Europe is called "the Beast"(Revelation 13). But the ruler of Russia is who conquers and then rules Europe. So HE is the Beast. So that term applies not just to Europe but to Russia.            
(14)The Russian Attack will fulfill these words, "The heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the Earth and the works therein shall be burned up"(2 Peter 3.11-13). There are three heavens, according to Paul (2 Corinthians 12.2-4). Start at the bottom and work upward. The first heaven is the atmosphere surrounding the Earth. Above that is the second heaven, ie, the universe. Lastly the immaterial realm where God dwells is the "third heaven," that Paul visited in a near death experience (NDE) while he was temporarily dead, after being stoned to death(Acts 14.17-18). My point is that there are only two physical heavens. We DON'T need to interpret this passage as the "second heaven," ie the universe like the nitwits do. Rather, why not take it to be restricted to just "the first heaven," the atmosphere? Nuclear war will "deplete the ozone layer in the Northern Hemisphere by 50%" according to Dr Edward Teller, father of the H-bomb, (Readers digest, Oct or Nov 1982, "Dangerous Myths About Nuclear Arms").          
As for "the Earth" being "burned up," that can refer to the surface.          
That is what nuclear war would do, destroy the face of the Earth, but only where our big cities and military bases are. By interpreting it this way we save the universe from destruction. God's reputation is at stake.. For surely He would be called stupid for destroying a perfectly good universe for no good reason !!!        
(2 Peter 3.11-13, with its "out with the old, in with the new," is set at the end of the Millennium(Rev 21.1). But since the Church Age and the Millennium are one, we can place it at the end of the Church Age, thereby reconciling "the Day of the Lord" (D.O.L.) there with DOL in the Rapture passage(1 Thess 4.17-5.3).)          
PS: make paper copies of this piece of work. For when the war comes, EMP will accompany it. When the electric grid goes down that will be the end of computers, etc for a long time (due to the lack of spare parts needed for restoring the grid). EMP is a byproduct of nuclear war.
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 7th Nov 2016
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