So interesting :) I look at things like stars as being upside down.... because if they were downside up I would have to over stand them and Im not sure I could understand how to do that....
Thank you dear heart ♡ I love how we think alike! Our eyes input all data upside down and backwards and then flips the input right side up and forwards somewhere in the vision processing. I am constantly fascinated by the fact that we do not "see" at all - but rather sense the positions of photons and then our vision area memorizes the positions and after three days or so of any environment we no longer utilize our visual cortex to "see" - rather we utilize our memory of what we've seen. This is why we constantly misplace items. We don't see them after a short while- just the memory of where they were. The brain is very very lazy lol I think our language has some of this concept built into it as when we say understand or as you put it "over stand" - it is referring to how we actually see. Insanity is another word that is directly connected to the brain's workings. These bits of accurate knowledge in how we term perceptions leads me more and more towards the idea that something non human created our language for how could we know the correct terms for what our brain is actually doing thousands of years before the first microscope was invented? We thought the world was flat back then. And although our language has undergone some changes (old to modern English) - when you study linguistics the changes are merely superficial in appearance and sound - not syntactically in meaning. Which all leads me back to quantum mechanics- in order to observe at a molecular level - we must be observed.