The Roman Siege of Jerusalem in AD 70 Ended on Sept 8th, Why Is That Important ??

Christ said, "Immediately after the tribulation of those days" (Matthew 24.29),  
the EndTime Tribulation will come in the form of nuclear war.  
(Actually, He spoke of the coming of "signs in the sky,"(Luke 21.25),  
But they add up to nuclear war. So I'm just being more direct).  
The tribulation of AD 70 (the Roman siege of Jerusalem)  
ended on Sept 8th (Elul 8th), according to Josephus,  
in his book, "Wars of the Jews," (book 6, chap 10).  
So "immediately after" would mean right after Sept 8th - of an unspecified year.  
My point is that Christ is giving us the very month - SEPTEMBER -    
in which the nuclear war (Russian Attack) will come !!!  
Now, why do I claim "the signs in the sky" refer to nuclear war?  
Because only nuclear war can account for all four of those "signs".  
For example,(sign #3) "the sky departing like a scroll rolling up"(Revelation 6.12-14).  
It's not the sky, it's the mushroom cloud IN the sky.  
This horizontal ring rolls outward, fading away as it widens.  
The rolling action would fulfill the words about the "scroll rolling up."  
The "sun turning black"(sign #2) would come before that.  
It would be fulfilled by "wave interference" -  
the crest of one light wave would be cancelled out by the trough  
of another light wave. producing a moment of black darkness.  
That would occur at the time of the fireballs.  
The last sign sequentially (#4) would be "the moon turns red."  
That's the easiest to interpret.  
For whenever there are tons of smoke in the atmosphere,  
it acts as a filter which blocks colors other than red.  
Sequentially, "the stars will fall" comes first(Matthew 24.29).  
They would have to be man-made objects,  
ie nuclear warheads, exploding into fireballs.  
If you want the reason I say "have to" just message me.  
Now, for the considering of this important question:  
If the "signs in the sky"(Luke 21.25) refer to aspects of Nuclear War(Russian Attack),  
just WHY are they called "signs"(Matthew 24.3) of Christ's (Second) Coming ??  
Because Nuclear War is a sign of His Second Coming.  
Nuclear war is the "war" mentioned in Revelation 13.7 by which  
"the Beast" gains "power every every..nation" - basically the world.  
It is the "deadly wound" that turns out to not be deadly - to Russia.  
Nuclear war is supposed to be M.A.D., "mutual assured destruction."  
Both sides(USA,USSR) pledged to NOT build interceptor missiles  
with which to shoot down the incoming missiles, OK?  
(Each side is thus defenseless.)  
So launching nuclear war is supposedly suicidal. But it's anything but.  
For Russia went ahead and built ABMs anyway.  
"The ABM Treaty be damned," was the Kremlin's attitude.  
It will be a one-sided war for Russia shoots  
down the remnant of our retaliatory arsenal.  
"The world's amazement" over Russia's survival is what Rev 13.3-4 is depicting.  
We read that the purpose of the Second Coming  
is to "destroy the [Antichrist]"(2 Thessalonians 2.7-8).  
Doesn't that convey that the coming of the Antichrist to power  
should be a really big sign that Christ is on the way ??!!  
If the take over of the world by the AC = the coming of the AC,  
then that take over is a sign of Christ's soon arrival.  
And the nuclear war is the means of the take over.  
In short, the war is a sign of the AC, and the coming  
of the AC is a sign of the Second Coming of Christ.
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 2nd Sep 2016
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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