Earth Colonizing Mars is Like the Zygote Splitting into Two Cells !!!

After the sperm cell penetrates the globe of the ovum    
and dies, it transforms the ovum into the zygote,    
which then splits into two cells.    
Likewise, Christ entered the world and, by giving His life,    
Has wrought the transformation of mankind into a science-driven society.    
That has at last entered the Space Age - cosmic exploration..    
When we colonize Mars, transforming it into a living planet  
It will be as though Earth has split into two civilization-bearing planets.    
It will be as though a zygote were splitting into two cells,    
The first of countless cell divisions, resulting in an embryo, even a fetus.    
Except that in place of cells, think in terms of planets.    
In place of a fetus, imagine a galaxy-spanning super-civilization.    
Second version:    
After the sperm cell penetrates the ovum,    
It dies and is consumed by that globe-like sphere,    
Which consumption transforms the ovum into the zygote    
which then splits into two cells.    
Likewise, Christ has penetrated the world and sacrificially died.    
And thru conversion of the soul, (symbolized by    
the consuming of the bread and the wine in Communion),    
He is transforming Mankind.Into a likeness of Himself,    
the Creator of the Laws of Science,ie, the Ultimate Scientist.    
Until now a species proficient in science has been produced,    
Which proficiency has enabled us to enter the Space Age.    
Finally, when planet Earth colonizes Mars,    
It will be like the zygote splitting into two cells.
Except it will be on a cosmic scale,    
involving planets instead of cells.    
The beginning of billions of such splits,    
continuing until the whole galaxy takes on  
the likeness of a macrocosmic embryo    
or even a fetal superorganism in Space.  
Putting the universe into the position of being the cosmic uterus,  
And God into the position of being the Ultimate Mother.  
PS: why two versions? So that (hopefully) I can  
coax a comment out of you as to which one is better.
PS: if you like this piece of work please make PAPER COPIES for Russian attack wil cause EMP -  the ruining of computers etc. Thanx for your interest.
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 28th May 2017
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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