Hiding in Plain Sight, the (Approximate) Date of the Rapture is Within Our Grasp (Maybe)

Since Lincoln was born Feb 12 and I was born (around) Feb 15,  
I can truthfully say I was born right after him,  
Even though I was born about 150 years later.  
If we ignore the years and stick to the months,  
I truly was born right after Lincoln.  
Likewise, when Christ says,  
"immediately after the tribulation of those days" in 70 AD,  
that the endtime Tribulation will begin(Matthew 24.29),  
it can still become true,  
even though more than 1,900 years have passed.  
All we have to do is throw out the years and stick with the months.  
The "tribulation" of the Jews during the siege of Jerusalem  
by the Roman armies during the Roman-Jewish War  
ended on September 8 (Elul 8 on the Jewish calendar).  
This is according to "The Wars of the Jews," book 6, chap. 10),  
by Josephus, the Jewish historian (who served as a military leader  
during the Roman-Jewish War, until he was captured by the Romans.)  
Since Sept 8 is the anniversary of the ending of "the tribulation of those days,"  
this means that the EndTime Tribulation should begin "immediately after" that.  
So Sept  9 or 10 or 11 or any time within the remainder of the month would fit.  
But which year ?  Well, if it is 2016, this means that (mid) September may be it,  
the time of the Rapture of the Church, the context of which is nuclear war.  
What evidence is there for that claim(that the Rapture occurs at Nuclear war) ?  
Well, we read that "the Beast..will MAKE WAR against THE SAINTS"(Revelation 13.7),  
meaning the Christian nations, like America and Western Europe.  
(Once-Roman lands are specified in Daniel 7.8, that's why I say,Western Europe  
(Even though it is in apostacy rather than as Christian as it used to be.)  
Why do I say, "nuclear war," rather than non-nuclear??  
Because the rest of the verse(Rev 13.7) clearly says that  
this victory in war gains "the Beast" "power over every..nation" - the world.  
Only superpower nations can wage such a war  
There are only two nuclear super powers, America, Russia.  
If we discount the USA, that leaves only ...R U S S I A  !!!  
Ask yourself, Is the Kremlin capable of launching nuclear war?
To clarify things, I say above that Christ says that "immediately after"  
one tribulation period ends, a second tribulation begins(Matthew 24.29).  
If you look it up, you see that He doesn't explicitly speak of  
a second tribulation period. But that is what His words point to.  
"Immediately after" the Roman-Jewish War's version of "tribulation"  
We read that,"the signs in the sky" take place:  
"the sun will darken,and the moon.., the stars will fall."  
That may not sound too traumatizing to you - until you see  
that in the Book of Revelation (6.12-14), it is also Judgment Day,  
The day of "the Wrath of the Lamb."  
Something BIG is going on, not mere meteorite showers like the Adventists say.  
It's shameful that a denomination like the SDA Church  
which prides itself on its focus on the Second Coming  
(which focus is a good thing) could be so mistaken, so childishly in error !!  
Because the Rapture(Matthew 24.30-31) is right after the verse  
about "the signs in the sky"(24.29), we can turn to other Rapture passages  
to see what they say about these "signs." especially "the stars will fall."  
Well, the Rapture in 1 Thessalonians 4.16-17 is accompanied by what?  
By "sudden destruction" (1 Thess 5.3), just 4 verses later.  
This tells me that the "stars falling" is about something very destructive.  
Finally a third Rapture passage gives "the Man of Sin," aka the Antichrist,  
the credit for the "sudden destruction."  
For it says that this man will be "revealed," exposed, as "the Destroyer,"  
("The Son of Destruction,"(2 Thess 2.3).When ? AT the Rapture.  
Which means, necessarily, that the "sudden destruction" is his work.  
(For we read that "that day [of the "gathering." (2 Thess. 2.1)]
cannot come except the revealing of [the Destroyer] occur"(2 Thess 2.3).)
Since the "sudden destruction" targets Christians and since  
the destruction produced by the "war-making" of "the Beast," targets  
"the saints" (the lands of the Christians), this leads to the conclusion that  
the "sudden destruction" occurs in the war launched by the Antichrist.  
Finally, "the stars will fall" must likewise fit that context.  
They must be man-made "stars" igniting in wartime.  
Since real stars operate by nuclear fusion and nuclear warheads do too,  
the conclusion is easy to reach that these "stars" refer to nuke warheads !!  
And nuclear war is what enables the Antichrist to rule the world,  
Which, by definition, equals the start of the Tribulation Period.  
LSS: the time of the "signs in the sky" really is the start  
of a second Trib, the EndTime Tribulation, just like I say above.
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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