What Comes After the Colonizing of the Galaxy By Mankind? The Whole Universe??

Answer:Yes, the colonizing of the whole universe !!
What people say is NOT true.You hear all the time that    
"all the stars are zooming away from us,  
because the universe is expanding,"    
(Which expansion is evidence for the Big Bang Theory.)    
Yes, all the stars in the OTHER galaxies are zooming away,    
But NOT the stars in our own Milky Way Galaxy !!    
They, a hundred billion stars, are being held in place by gravity.    
This gives us the priceless privilege of reaching those stationary stars    
Whenever our civilization becomes mature enuff.    
They aren't going anywhere,on the contrary,    
They're just waiting for our arrival to turn those forlorn lifeless orbs    
into living planets, throbbing with the passion of being alive !!    
Due to our bringing flora and fauna from Earth the Mother planet.    
They will become clones (or semi-clones) of Earth, as we do    
the holy work of God by finishing the creating of the universe.    
(Romans 8.17-22; Ephesians 4.10).    
Domesticating just one of the 100 billion galaxies that      
comprise the universe doesn't sound that impressive, does it?      
So I've been thinking,What Is Mankind's God-given Destiny      
Beyond Just the Civilizing of the Milky Way Galaxy(MWG) ?    
Well,it will take billions of years to populate just a single galaxy    
(which means colonizing just the hospitable planets orbiting 100 billion stars).    
So by the time (billions of years) the populating of the first galaxy is done,    
all of humanity should have become as supernaturally endowed    
as Jesus was "in the days of His flesh"(Hebrews 5.7) - lets assume.    
Think of it, a bunch of supernatural power-wielding clones 7 of Christ,    
What can they do? Not save people, for everyone will already be Godly.    
The perfect solution would be to harness the collective Christ power      
Of billions of psychic Jesuses living on billions of planets thruout this galaxy.    
To telepathically reach planets/galaxies beyond the Milky Way galaxy!!    
That way we can reach even the untouched remainder of the entire universe,      
By so doing, we can overcome the astronomical distances that separate us.    
If Christ, post-Resurrection, could go from one place to another      
without having to travel the distance between them,    
materializing here, then disappearing and materializing elsewhere,(Luke 24.31),    
Doesn't this suggest that we, in the distant future, will be able    
to travel non-materially and then materialize where we choose??    
Yes, traveling the cosmos, invisibly, then manifesting    
on which ever planet we take as our destination.    
After the brief Second Appearing of Christ(Hebrews 9.28),  
I.e., the Second Coming which should occur around 2016,
all mankind will be converted in a single day or in its wake(Zechariah 14.9-16).    
So all humanity will become the Church,"the Body of Christ"(Ephesians 1.22-23).    
So when human civilization colonizes the universe,      
it will be the Church,"the Body of Christ," doing it, ie, Christ Himself.    
Thus will the words of Paul the apostle be fulfilled,    
"{Christ's goal] is that He may fill all things [with Himself]" (Ephesians 4.10),    
that is to say,fill the universe with "the Body of Christ," ie, saved humanity.    
Yes, the job of creating the universe will finally get the fullest sense.    
Right now the universe is not all finished.    
A planet is like a house.    
The building contractor builds the house in terms of walls, floor, roof.    
But it isn't completed until the rug , the faucets, the light fixtures are added.    
Finally, people have to occupy the house, making it a home.    
Only then can you say, finis. Ditto with the universe.    
All hospitable planets must be given life, seeded with flora, fauna.    
Only then can the building contracting firm of "God and Sons"    
boast of the glory of their finished work !!  

PS please  make PAPER COPIES for EMP from Russian attack will wipe out the computers. Thanx for preserving my stuff !!!
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 28th May 2017
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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