How Bible Prophecy About the Rapture Points to Nuclear War

At the Rapture "we will not all sleep but we will all be changed,    
in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump,    
For the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible.    
And we shall be [all] changed"(1 Corinthians 15.51-53).    
Here, "we shall not all sleep" doesn't mean we won't die.    
Rather it means we won't leave corpses that "sleep,"    
Metaphorically - by lying prostrate in the ground.    

"We shall be changed" from physical bodies to spiritual    
"in a moment,the twinkling of an eye."    
This says the same thing (as the previous line)
But in different words.
People will go from physical bodies to spiritual,
without leaving physical bodies behind.    
Nuclear war would fulfill this, how??    
Up until the detonation of each nuclear fireball, people at "ground zero"    
would have their regular fleshly bodies, of course.    
But then, bingo, those bodies would "vaporize," disappear INSTANTLY    
due to the millions of degrees of heat (released by the fireballs) !!    
As physical bodies are shed like dirty clothes,    
souls would be left with only their "spiritual bodies."    
They would be stripped naked, so to speak.    
But the Rapture is also described in an opposing or opposite way.    
We're told that at the Rapture, there will be plenty of corpses.    
For "where the corpses are, there will the vultures be gathered"(Luke 17.37).    
Nuclear war can easily explain (and account for) this opposing result as well.    
For the "vaporizing" of bodies would occur only within about, say, 3 miles of "ground zero."    
Outside of that central zone the heat from the fireballs
just isn't strong enuff to make bodies disappear.    
Rather, burnt bodies will litter the landscape.
Plus plenty of bodies won't even be burnt.    
It won't be the heat,rather it will be the radiation that kills them.    
My point is that nuclear war is the one and only thing
that produces these two OPPOSITE effects:
(1)the absence of corpses (around ground zero), due to vaporization "in an instant," and    
(2)the abundance of dead bodies further away from ground zero.  
Now, let me go back and clarify something.    
The passage about "where the corpses are, there will the vultures gather"(Luke 17.37)  
Clearly refers to "the day(s) of the Son of  Man"(Luke 17.22,24,26,30).  
So, why do I insist that "the day of the Son of Man" is actually    
the time of the Rapture, even though "caught up" isn't mentioned ??  
We read that "the day of the Son of Man" is when    
"He shall send His angels to gather His [church] from the four winds..."(Matthew 24.29-31).  
That is unmistakably the Rapture of the Church, why?  
At the Rapture saved souls will be "caught up" to be
with "the dead in Christ"(1 Thessalonians 4.16-17).  
But "the dead in Christ" are also called "those that sleep in Jesus"(4.14)  
WILL DESCEND FROM HEAVEN"(1 Thessalonians 4.14-16).  
So "the dead in Christ" will be descending with Christ at the Rapture.  
Plus, they will have by that time, "become like the angels"(Luke 20.35-36)
LSS: the "angels gathering His Elect"(Matthew 24.29-31) = "the dead in Christ"  
meeting the saved souls getting "caught up"(1 Thessalonians 4.14-17).
PS:"The dead in Christ" will be descending, not rising out of graves at the Rapture.
But what about their "rising first"(1 Thessalonians 4.16-17) ?  
That occurs when they die.Their souls rise out of their dead bodies.
Paul was "caught up" in a Rapture of one at the time of his DEATH (2 Corinthians 12.2-4).
For he temporarily died due to his being stoned to death(Acts 14.19-20).  
THAT precedent lets us assert that "the dead in Christ will rise first"  
means at the time of their individual death, NOT "first" at the Rapture.
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 29th Aug 2016
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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