Importance of ORP, Ontogeny Recapitulates Phylogeny

People defend abortion by claiming that the fetus passes thru animal stages,
They say that on the basis that during gestation there is this thing called "ORP,"
Meaning simply that Ontogeny Recapitulates Phylogeny.
And since killing a mere animal doesn't equal murder,
Its ok to kill the fetal human being !!
My answer to that line of reasoning is this:
Two can play that game (of resorting to ORP
to defend one's point of view).
If the fetus (the embryo-fetus continuum) passes thru the fish stage(with proto-gill slits)
Then the amphibian-reptile-mammal stages and finally the human stage,
Doesn't human gestation become a panoramic drama or saga, an epic tale,
encompassing the evolution of all life forms (within one particular phylum) ??
As a result doesn't the mother become, rise to the level of, a Creator-figure,
Even a God-figure,the Creator not just of human life, but of ALL LIFE FORMS(fish-amphibian-reptile-mammal) ??
In turn, isn't abortion an apocalyptic woeful tale in which "God" destroys His creation as a whole,
As if God were to reduce Earth to a lifeless orb, a dead planet ??
(Or even a hellish dystopian planet, for in saline abortion, the baby is burned to death,
as if flames were present all over planet Earth, rising up higher and higher.)
Doesn't feticide become, thru magnification, a sort of planeticide??
If God had stepped in and destroyed all life forms.before the arrival of man,
Wouldn't that make God a sort of grotesque deformed Deity, even a repulsive gargoyle-faced Satanic figure?
So isn't a woman who disowns motherhood to the point of ending the Story-of-Evolution by killing her offspring,
Isn't that anti-mother an anti-God-figure, yes, doesn't she become a Devil figure ??
Finally, isn't Earth unique among all the planets of our galaxy
Unlike billions of lifeless spheres, whirling pointlessly in a dance of deadness,
Earth is alive, a world of living forms, destined to serve as the zygote, "splitting" into Earth and Mars,  
One planetary civilization becoming two civilized planets, then 4, then 8, 16, etc just like a zygote does.
Yes, ONLY Earth has that opportunity, as far as this galaxy is concerned.
(Maybe there is an Earth for each galaxy, assuming there is a Master-Mind, called God).
Earth is the only hope the Milky Way galaxy has of morphing
from a dead zone into a heavenly Edenic living mini-universe.
So if God had destroyed life on Earth He would in effect have
destroyed the whole galaxy, as far as usefulness is concerned.
So if a pregnancy = a miniature planet, and that microcosmic Earth
stands for the galaxy (potentially) transformed by Earth,
Then to kill the fetus = killing a whole planet Earth = depriving
the whole galaxy of reaching its full potential as a galactic Garden of Eden.
(In the distant future spanning "billions and billions" of years as Carl Sagan used to say.)
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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