What Ever Happened to the "Ten Lost Tribes of Israel"?

The solution is very easy.    
They were never really lost !!    
For, while something like 2/3 or even 3/4 of them were carried off    
 into distant realms of the Assyrian empire,    
A remnant of 1/4 to 1/3 NEVER left Israel.    
Hence the term, "ten Lost Tribes," is a bit of a misnomer !!    
If you cut down a tall tree, transporting all the branches elsewhere,    
Can you really say the whole tree has been moved?    
Of course not   --   as long as the living stump remains.    
The remnant of the ten northern tribes intermarried      
with the "goyim"(nonJews) that were brought in by the Assyrians.    
But that doesn't obliterate the substantialness of that solid 1/4 to 1/3    
 of the original Israelite blood line - it is still an adequate basis      
for calling the Samaritans real-live Israelites. true Jews !!    
Just because their blood has been mingled with Goy blood      
that is no reason to dismiss them as Israelites.    
After all, King David had a goy for a great grandmother, Ruth the Moabitess,    
but nobody calls David a halfbreed, do they(Book of Ruth, 4.13-17).    
The Samaritans are no more halfbreeds than David himself !!    
Part 2: WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO SEE THE SAMARITANS = the "ten Northern Tribes" ??    
Because the Israeli Knesset and/or the Supreme Court ruled in 1949-1950      
that the Samaritans are full Israeli citizens, "a sect of Judaism." !!!    
This reconciliation means the prophecy of the "joining of the two sticks,"    
The northern kingdom and the southern one(Ezekiel 37.16-22),  
has already BEEN FULFILLED  -  it was fulfilled in 1949-1950 !!    
Yet nobody  -  and I mean NOBODY -  recognizes this great fact/fulfillment  !!
Since that part of Ezekiel 37 (the "joining of the two sticks") was fulfilled in the decade  
of the 1940s,this sets up the rest of that chapter as belonging,likewise, to the 1940s.    
This means the piles of "dry bones"(Ez 37.1-4) have to be seen in terms of the victims of 1940s, the time of the Nazi Holocaust, of course.    
But the walking skeletons have to be put into a separate category, namely      
the SURVIVORS,the Jews who survived the extermination camps(Ezekiel 37.7-10).    

This prophecy of resurrected Jews traveling back to their ancient homeland    
(Ez 37.12) has to be seen as having been fulfilled when the few surviving Jews    
of Europe emigrated to Israel right after World War 2 !!    
The statement, "They became a mighty army" (Ez 37.10) was fulfilled by THEM for "20% of      
the victorious Israeli armed forces of 1948 was made up of Holocaust survivors."    
"I [God] am going to open your graves and .. bring you back to the land of Israel"(37.12-14).  
This shows that the focus is on Jews OUTSIDE of Israel, namely those in Europe.
"Opening your graves" would refer to liberation from the death camps,
Going "back to the land of Israel," that part was fulfilled by the survivors
of the Holocaust as they realized they had nothing left in Europe.
It had been stolen from them, of course. So they headed for Israel
(though it did not yet officially exist as such.)
At the darkest days of the war - before America entered the war -    
(When both Britain and Russia were being attacked and looked like goners)    
The feeling of many Jews was that they were about to get wiped out as a people.    
That dread is captured by the words, "Our hope is gone, we are cut off completely"(Ez 37.11).    
If Ezekiel 37 is solidly set in the 1940s, the punchline is that Ezekiel 38-39's      
invasion of Israel by Russia ("Magog") etc is set for the immediate future.    
(For Ezekiel 38-39 follows immediately on the heels of Ezekiel 37).
Say, within a single "generation" of time, according to a fairly      
well known reputable Bible scholar, Jesus Christ (Luke 21.32).      
He's quite knowledgeable about the End Time.  
The invasion of Israel by Russia(Ez 38-39) = the invasion "by all nations"(Zechariah 14),
but in neither account does it say what happens right before that endtime invasion.  
But in Daniel 11's account, we read that it (11.41) is preceded by "the North" invading  
"many nations" (to "the south") "sweeping thru them like a flood"(Dan. 11.40),
Meaning they are invaded/conquered all at the same time.
So a superpower nation is required, not little Syria.

It's not Syria versus Egypt(11.8) this time, as was the case earlier in the chapter.  
This time it's the EXTENSION of Syria, ie Russia, directly above Syria,  
(For little Syria belongs to the much larger Russian-led alliance)  
Versus, Western Europe, not Egypt but the extension of Egypt.
(For Egypt is solidly on the side of the West, right above it).  
Finally, any Russian conquest of Western Europe would, no doubt,  
involve the leader of the NATO alliance, to which Western Europe belongs,  
namely America, the once-great Samson-like superpower.  
But like Samson was trimmed of his hair and became weak,  
America has trimmed - gutted !! - its nuclear arsenal, it's "unbelievable" !!.
(Like Samson's being stupid enuff to divulge his secret is "unbelievable" !!)  
PS: the type of Jews who claim that the dilution of Jewish blood disqualifies    
the Samaritans from being Jews (or Israelis) probably also say that clipping  
your fingernails = work, and so can't lawfully be done on the Sabbath.  
In short, they are nit-picking ninnies and should be ignored.
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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