Vampire: The Masquerade FanFiction 6,7,8&9
Chapter Six
Sasha guides me upstairs. I stop abruptly as I see the huge layout. Sasha leads me to a bedroom, disappearing into what I think is another room, but is a wardrobe. Embarrassing since my home has whole rooms dedicated to costumes and outfits.
I like to wear bright sparkles offset by soft pastels and florals. I especially love dresses that float around me. I look down at the dirty purple dress. I HATE GREEN. Huh? That thought…
"Here, you can wear this," Sasha says, holding up a gothic black dress, "It might be loose around your chest, but I think it will fit."
I just stare at it.
Sasha is at least 10 inches shorter than me. It drags on the ground for her but on me it would stop just above the knee.
"Um, thank you. That's, uh--very nice of you."
Shit, am I just glad I waxed my legs not long ago.
Sasha smirks and leaves the room. To my surprise it does fit okay, my full hips almost doing the same job as the previous owner. Although Sasha has a lot of bounce in the bust, my wider chest stretched it out. Phew.
I look at myself in one of the walk-in robe mirrors. Yep, I'm still there.
It may be my newfound vampirism, but I'm not so grimy as I thought. My slinky black hair looks like oil spilling down my back. My red oak colored eyes catch the light strangely under my heavy lashes. My healthy tan has curdled into an off white/grey. Pooh, I had worked hard on that tan. My fingers touch my plum lips. I lean in closer to the mirror. Hm, no fangs.
"All the Childes, particularly the orphaned ones, like you, do that", Sacha says from the closets entrance.
I don't jump and this seems to intrigue her.
"There's nothing there," I say foolishly.
Sasha laughs, a hearty biker chick sound, "Yeah. They don't usually come out unless you're feeding or being attacked."
"Oh..." When I think back to the shooting I don't remember any new additions to my mouth.
Sasha motions for me to come. "Uncle Julian wrangled Lillie out the door. Just Daedalus, Cash, Julian and me now."
I can't tell if that's a reassurance or a threat. My legs stiffen, but I just imagine I'm heading to an orgy...there, I can breathe now.
I shuffle into what looks like a drawing room, of all things. Cash is standing on Julian's left, Daedalus is on his right. Julian sits in a big leather chair. It would have looked pretentiously stupid on anybody else but somehow he pulls it off. Cash avoids my gaze. I only just resist the urge to bite my fingernails.
"Lady," Julian says breaking the weird silence.
"Yes?" I half mumble.
"You are Kindred now," he states. Well damn, I think, if there was ever a man I didn't like who got straight to the point!
"As there are laws for humans so are there laws for Kindred." Despite he's strong tone of voice the way his foot is angled tells me he feels a mixture of curiosity and sadness.
"The most important and, in turn, the most severely upheld of these is the Masquerade. Never reveal what we are to humans."
After telling me all the other laws and basic politics, Cash (who I learn is Gangrel) and Daedalus (Nosferatu), walk out with Sasha (Brujah).
A thought slams me in the face.
"I've been out in the sun!" I blurt like an idiot.
"For short periods it's possible, after we feed," Julian half smiles.
A heavy air divides us.
"About before... I don't know how I did that...almost like an instinct, I guess."
Julian rises from the chair then clasps his hand around mine. "You saved Sasha's and my lives, I am grateful. If you ever need anything, my Haven is open to you."
I blush and lower my eyes. He is too good looking, damn it. He makes me feel like the watery teenager I am supposed to be. That I simply cannot afford to be. He let's go of my hands and pours himself some scotch from a decanter.
He raises his eyes to mine.
"Do you hunger still?"
My own eyes linger on his lips, "No, the kiss sustains me."
A pause... One filled with crackling sexual tension.
The spell is broken when Lillie walks in the room. "Julian, the clans Primogen await you."
"Thank you Lillie. I will be there shortly."
She throws a dirty look my way and stalks out. Some honeys got jealousy issues.
The way Julian's hand is clenching the glass and his arm muscles are bulging tell me the curiosity has been replaced by worry. The sadness is still there.
"What is going on?"
Julian sighs, "We are at war with Hollywood and its Baron," anger colors his voice, "He has taken to Embracing as many of our citizens as possible. Like you they are then abandoned."
"But why go to all that effort? What's in it for him!?" I ask louder than I mean to.
"To expand territory and power. He will not succeed, he already lost his bid to control all of Los Angeles. We are about to negotiate peace, because the Hollywood Baron is losing."
"But you're worried?"
"I am told unwanted Embraces has ceased."
I giggle. He frowns.
I say, "Don't pay any mind to my misfortune, Julian. It's just luck in it's other form."
I finally see a smile tugged out of him.
"I take it you are leaving now."
I'm about to answer yes, when instead I swear, "Oh, son of a bitch! I left all my stuff at that God forsaken hotel!"
Julian laughs at me while I pout. "I'll see what can be arranged for you."
Chapter Seven
Where the hell am I going in my life? Back home, Lady. On from all your disastrous decisions. It's nice Alaska at the moment. Not freezing, everyone is there. I wasn't born there but it's mine now. So why am I so nervous?
Oh, yeah. I got turned--SORRY,Embraced--into a vampire (I'll be fucked if i'm saying Kindred) and didn't even get paid for my trouble. So it doesn't really matter if the sun is shining in Alaska, I can't enjoy it anymore, can I? Nature hikes in the pitch black. Yay.
Suffice to say I'm pretty bitter about the whole thing... The storm cloud thoughts must show on my face because when I arrive in the small town, i'm avoided like the plague.
Johann, who is constantly trying to charm me to his bed, ambles over to me, his face grim.
"Lady, need a ride?"
Now, usually I just smile coyly and walk away. But his tone isn't playful, there are dark circles under his eyes. My anger fizzles out. I bite my lip and jump into his snowplough. When we turn the bend I see smoke in the distance.
I throw Johann a panicked look. He keeps his eyes on the worn track.
When we arrive in the clearing I see the place I've called home for the last two years smouldering in a pile ash and debris. I try to unlatch my seatbelt but my hands are shaking too much. In frustration I rip the strap apart, unused to my newfound strength.
I jump out. Ash clings to my body. I rush past the state troopers and local police to a familiar face.
"Lady!" Dotti cries.
I sweep her small childlike body into my arms.
"Oh Lady, it was so scary!"
I look down at her smudged face, tear stained cheeks the only clean thing.
"What happened here?"
Dotti sniffles, not answering me. Of all my family I can only see June, Kis'mei and Dotti. The white body bags tell me the rest of story. I feel my brain exploding, my sanity eating itself.
But I'm stronger than crazy. Hell, if I wasn't I'd already be dead.
I put Dotti down and go over to Kis'mei. She doesn't have as much grime and soot on her.
"Welcome back Lady," she addresses me, with her dry wit. She seems to have applied another coat of unbreakable polish. "I expect you want to know what happened here, unofficially of course?"
I nod, frowning deeply.
"Well, everybody else is dead. I'm alive because the pencil pusher blowhard I had wanted to do some fantasy play in the woods. June and Dotti made it only because they were small enough to hide, then crawl from the rubble…" she pauses, as if unsure how to proceed. "Anyway, I'm told they killed Pischa, Lorelei and Mati-whorie first. They were the bosses, y'know. Off'd everyone else they found and laid some, uh..." She gestures to the wreckage, "effective dynamite. It wasn't dynamite, but clearly that's not my field of expertise."
I give her a hug. "Thank you kis'mei."
June's leg is in a makeshift cast and his arm in a sling. He's an orphan like me, picked up and taken after from a street brothel. Granted, it was to another pleasure house, but it was promised he would never have to turn a trick again. He agreed. Unless you're really screwed up like me and enjoy sex with many in a day, this is a normal reaction.
I first met him as a stoic eight year old. He merely has to blink and I know he's saying hello as he doesn't speak much.
"Hey kiddo," I mumble, ruffling his hair.
It takes only ten minutes to bundle the three in the back of an ambulance, no questions asked. I knew Lorelei held a high standing in these matters yet I'm still impressed.
"You sure you want to be alone?" Johann asks for the hundredth time.
I don't want to be rude, I know he's just trying to help, I just can't deal with all of them right now.
"Yes, goddam it!" I snap, "take them all with you."
Finally by myself I sit on the scorched lawn, mentally drained. I want to scream, "Fuck my life!"
But I'm not even really alive anymore. My cheeks dampen, I touch them and they come away streaked crimson. Ok, eggtastic, I cry blood now too!
I guess it's about 2 a.m. I remember Julian telling me to find a place to stay during the day, my Haven.
'What's the point?' My mind whispers.
Suddenly strong arms wrap around my waist and yank me backwards.
Chapter Eight
"I thought you would scream," the voice growls in my ear.
I elbow them in the ribs. "How's that, smart arse?"
A deep rumbling laugh echos through me. I spin around.
"Where the hell have you been, Gunnar?!"
Gunnar is a werewolf. His pack has been visiting us since before I first got here. Each of them chooses a partner to be loyal to, they don't go with anyone else. Gunnar chose me, but I'm sure not complaining. A top physique AND an amazing bedroom acrobat.
What I'd told Sasha is true. He is an honest, kind man. He and the rest never get jealous, they understand a voluntary whores nature. So I'm not going to lie to him. Besides, the Masquerade only counts to humans (I think) which Gunnar is not.
"Something happened in San Francisco...," I begin.
He pulls me closer and interrupts, "I know, I can smell it"
Sasha's words merry-go-rounded in my head. "Is this when you bite my face off?"
Gunnar pulls back violently and stares into my eyes intently "What are you on about Lady?"
I swallow, my accursed Adam's apple bobbing. "Because I... Because...," my voice hitches and I can't go on.
I'm crushed against his warm chest again, I wrap my arms around him.
"This means nothing Lady. To be fair, you were pretty fucked up before, what's a little bloodsucking going to do?"
I snort out a laugh/cry before I can stop myself. "True."
I listen to his strong heartbeat. After a warm silence Gunnar kisses my forehead and tells me, "There is a cabin about 30 miles from here. It's remote and secure. It has a concrete basement, you'll be safe there."
"What about--"
"Shh," he put a finger to my lips, "You're always the worrywort. You're under my and the boys protection."
We kiss and my strength flares. That again? Maybe I won't need blood.
"I'm bringing them with me, Gunnar. At least for shot a time I can stay with them." I say firmly.
He sighs, "Yeah, figured you'd say that. Family is family. I trust you. I'll have food packs dropped off for them. I love you, my beautiful Lady"
I pout, caressing his body. Tears sting my eyes. Despite his words I know we will never share a bed again. A deep kiss, our last before we part.
"This sucks cock, Gunnar."
He laughs, "If only, Lady."
Chapter Nine
Final Chapter
The first time I was forced to have sex for money I was three. The first moment I knew I am Transgender was when I was five. The first time I saw a vampire -a Kindred- I was seven.
Miss Jaynie was my mother, my teacher in all things ladylike and my pimp. she too, was transgender. She took me from the orphanage. I was to be nothing but a money spinner.
A pretty boy child. But she caught me wearing her makeup one day. I thought for sure I was dead.
Instead Miss Jaynie set me down and told me, "Men fear what they do not understand, in turn they hate that which makes them feel this fear. However, when taught, one can turn this fear into fascination, curiosity, finally infatuation. We can make men love women like us, do you wish to learn?"
I agreed eagerly, relieved not to be beaten. Good to her word I was most elegant, graceful, beautiful girl the men had ever seen. I became a favourite. I was hit less to preserve my looks.
Up until that time I only ever gave oral or received it. A man in a dark suit came and talked with Miss Jaynie. They seemed to talk forever then they shook hands. To my surprise it was not night when my bedroom door opened. Pain is all I remember. Pain was all there was. I focused on it. I became it. Lunch-break, it turns out is a much more opportune time for such visits. Afterwards, Miss Jaynie sat beside me. She told me, "It hurts the first time, I know. But next time will be easier. You may even enjoy it."
Once again my sweet Miss Jaynie did not lie. I became insatiable. But all the seed grew something dark inside me. I hate her. Yet I could never have left her, for I love her.
I was not her only child. I was simply her most needed. I was supposed to save her like she did for me. she gave me a special gun, told me to shoot the scary, ungrateful son. I never learnt his name. I just know he had died and not stayed that way. I hid under the desk, the place of my ultimate downfall, and we waited. He came, I did nothing. His teeth tore into our mothers throat. No blood was taken. My brother cried red, the same color our forsaker bled.
I went back to the orphanage for a short while. I was older, smarter in some ways. I needed a name. I'd never been given one. Sure, I had nicknames but never one that stuck.
My private joke is 'I was never good at school.' The truth being I never went so I'll never know if I would have been good or not. I did manage to read somehow. So I call myself Lady Le Homme. Most didn't get it but some one nighters had a laugh. For the most part I stayed away from drugs, if only to keep my body.
Had I told anyone this they may have said, "The trauma you suffered caused you to replace the gunman, most likely yourself, with a vampire help you cope with what happened."
Maybe this is right. Except that I know it's total bullshit. Especially now.
Of all the things I do know, of which others cannot, there is a thousand more I do not. Like who my parents where, or who it is that Embraced me. One thing is certain, Lorelei is dead. I'd just turned eighteen when we first met, she offered me a safe place. A home.
I met Gunnar, he made absolutely no secret of who and what he is. He offered me love. I met Dot and June. They offered me friendship, I understand them well. Kis'Mei gave me her guidance. Pischa and Mati gave me the support to bring me into the fold, the other twenty-three souls giving me family.
That was my human life. I am Kindred now. Once more I know not who my sire is, but it doesn't matter. I still have Kis'Mei, June and Dotti, of course. The Pack provides them with all that they need. I realise Gunnar feels guilty. He needn't be. I told them revenge is petty, liable to make more of a mess.
I've decided to help Julian. Johann pulls up in front of the humble cabin. "Need a ride?" Just an excuse to see me off, still I smile. He knows I'm getting a cab.
Dotti clings to my hip. "You'll come back won't you?" June silently grabs my other leg.
I knell beside them. "Of course, you're my family. My strength."
I rise and tell Kis'Mei, "Take care of yourself." Her polish has just about worn off by this point.
She grins wide, "You bet, kid." The cab honks. After one last goodbye I get in. As we drive away a wolfs melancholic howl rips through the night. "Love you too Gunnar," I utter to myself.
The Journey to the airport is quick. I paid for the whole trip in one go to save time. I get out, late for my flight. I'm late to everything, some things never change.
"Thanks," I shout hurriedly to the driver as I tip him.
"I see you too have become a great Kindred. We are all lead by the will of Cai--"
Only half paying attention I think I recognise the guy, but the flights about to take off without me so I hurry off, not letting him finish.
I make it and go back to where it all started, a certain purple dress packed in my luggage. I smile, ready to face the world.
the end for now...
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