Exposing How the Seventh Day Adventists(SDA) Have Misinterpreted Bible Prophecy

Four Main Points:    
(1)Their interpretations of End Time Bible Prophecy were done in the 1800s,    
Way before the start of the End Time "generation"(Luke 21.32) in 1948,    
Which start was marked by the restoration (resurrection) of the state of Israel.    
Therefor those interpretations are AUTOMATICALLY flawed.    
For we read that "prophecy will be SEALED UP til the time of the end"(Daniel 12.9),    
Meaning that prophecy will be opaque til the start of the End Time "generation"  
that Christ spoke of,in which "all things shall be fulfilled"(Luke 21.32).
But when "the time of the end" - the end time generation - begins,  
only THEN it will be possible to understand Bible Prophecy    
Now that we are in that last generation of "70 years" (Psalms 90.10),    
Starting in 1948 and running to 2018 (actually from 1946 to 2016 !!!),    
we should be able to interpret the End Time Bible Prophecies correctly - FOR THE FIRST TIME !!    
But just what has changed that makes the right interpretations possible ??!!    
Well, the return of Israel coincided with the start of the Atomic/Nuclear Age !!    
Now that nuclear weapons exist, we must factor them into the prophecy "equations,"    
So that we can, at last, understand the passages about "fire from the sky"    
(Luke 17.29-30; Matthew 24.29, Revelation 13.13, etc)    
as referring to NUCLEAR WAR - this was not possible before the mid 1940s !!!    
(2)The SDA Church uses 1798 as the endpoint of 1260 years.    
The SDA takes the 1260 days implicit in the "3 1/2 years"(Daniel 7.25 Revelation 13.5),    
And then mistakenly counts them as 1260 years !!!    
This requires that 539 AD serves as the starting point.    
What's noteworthy enuff about 1798 to use it in this way?    
That's when the Papacy supposedly "received a deadly wound"(Rev 13.3)    
In that it lost power, its land at Vatican city, etc.    
But the status quo was restored shortly thereafter.    
The SDA sees that as the fulfilling of the "healing of the deadly wound."    
Which healing will "amaze the whole world" and kindle "worship"(Rev 13.3,4).    
Of course,the restoration of the puny "power" of the Pope did nothing of the sort !!    
In order for AD 539 to appear legitimate, something had to happen then,    
Fulfilling some aspect of "the Beast' prophecy found in Daniel 7.7-8; Revelation 11-20.    
Well, Roman emperor Justinian vanquished 3 Aryan "kingdoms" around that time,    
So SDA says THAT fulfills the "uprooting of the 3 horns" of the "10 horns"(Daniel 7.8).    
The weakness of their argument is breathtakingly absurd  -  childishness epitomized !!    
Yes, the "uprooting of 3 horns"(the devastating of 3 nations in Western Europe)    
does occur at the beginning of the "3 1/2 years"  which is the duration    
of the reign of the Antichrist/Beast over the world(Dan 7.8,25).    
But the Second Coming of Christ is supposed to "destroy" the Antichrist    
By the close of the Tribulation Period (the 3 1/2 years)(2 Thessalonians 2.7-8).    
Over two centuries have passed since the Papacy regained what it had lost.    
Without Christ's Appearing over the Mt of Olives(Zechariah 14.1-4).    
That should tell the SDA brethren that they may be wrong,    
But they are impervious to the leading of the holy Spirit, apparently.    
(3)The SDA view the Roman Catholic Church as    
"the Whore of Babylon"(Revelation 16.19-17.11).    
That much is CORRECT, due to the corruption of that Church.    
But Jerusalem was called a whore by Ezekiel(Ezekiel 16.15-16).    
And since Rome("Babylon") is a second Jerusalem,    
it is only natural for God to call Rome "a [spiritual] whore"    
when addressing the Church's corruption, doctrinal unfaithfulness.    
Where SDA goes off the track is when it also calls Papal Rome ":the Beast,"    
as in the Antichrist, "the Man of Sin," and "the Son of Destruction"    
which Christ at the Second Coming will personally "destroy"(2 Thessalonians 2.3-8).    
Make up your mind, SDA Church !!!    
The Whore and the Beast are NOT one and the same.    
They are enemies !!! Mortal enemies !!!    
For it says, "The Beast will HATE the Whore..    
Will make her desolate and naked,..burn her up with fire"(Revelation 17.16).  
When does this happen? It will be when "the"ten horns" (10 nations    
in Western Europe)surrender to "the Beast" (Revelation 17.17).    
This jointness of events is confirmed when it says,    
"When the cities of the nations [will fall],    
THEN [right then] God [will] remember great "Babylon" [Rome]    
and [will] give her the wine-cup of the fury of His Wrath"(Rev 16.19).    
(Rome burns as Europe's cities fall to Russian invasion.)
The subject of the "3 uprooted horns"(Dan 7.8) fits in at this point.    
For Russia makes an example out of 3 nations by bombing them,    
So as to intimidate the other seven nations into surrendering    
without having to be destroyed - like the three victim nations were.    
(Together, the seven and the three make up the "ten horns").    
Because Rome ("Babylon") gets "destroyed by fire in a single hour"(Rev 18.9,10,17,19),    
This tells us that Italy is one of the "3 horns" that get "uprooted."    
(4)What is the relationship between the blackening of the sun;    
The reddening of the moon and the falling of the stars    
and the rolling up of the sky like a scroll(Matthew 24.29; Revelation 6.12-14) ??    
The Bible tells us they happen together as a package, all at the same time.    
But the SDA in their "superior" wisdom have the nerve to claim that    
these events happen separately with a hundred years between them !!    
If they belong TOGETHER, this implies common causality.    
The thing that causes a also causes b, and c and d.    
But if they happen separately then there is nothing they share in common.    
THAT is the way the SDA "blind guides" try to make sense out of them.    
This exposes the SDA as totally "out of their league" so to speak !!    
They claim that the great earthquake of Revelation 6.12-16 occurred in 1750.
While moon turned red, and the sun darkened..on May 19, 1780..    
Finally there was a meteor shower on November 13, 1833.    
Let me present the alternative to the SDA "scatter shot" approach.    
Nuclear war - RUSSIAN ATTACK  -  can account for all 4 effects:    
the darkening of the sun, the moon reddening,the stars falling,    
 and the sky departing like a scroll when it is rolled up !!!!    
All 4 effects happen together, or rather sequentially.    
(1)The " 'stars' falling" would be man-made stars.    
Nuclear warheads fall after being ejected from Russian missiles,    
then they detonate into fireballs that "shine" for 3 minutes(?)    
(2)The radiation given off by the fireballs creates "wave interference."  
Such that the troughs and crests cancel out each other.  
Total darkness results, no light at all, but for only a second.  
That would fulfill the "blackening of the sun".  
(3)Finally, each fireball cools into the mushroom cloud, of course.    
As the rolling-out action occurs, the clouds fade, literally "depart",    
so it really is somewhat like a scroll rolling up.    
Except that the rolling is OUTWARD, not upward.    
(4)Lastly, the reddening of the moon occurs as the soot fills the sky,    
smoke from the craters where our cities's skyscrapers used to rise up.    
Yes, the moon will appear red when seen thru the filter of all those particles.    
 About (1)the "stars will fall," real stars operate by nuclear fusion.  
Well, nuclear fireballs likewise operate by nuclear fusion !!  
So they really are LIKE "stars," man-made stars.  
more later
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 16th Jul 2016
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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