Why Christians Should DUMP YEC (Young Earth Creationism)

If you were presenting the Gospel to Jewish people,                
But then added, "By the way, I doubt the holocaust ever took place,"                
What do you think their reactions to that stupid statement would be?                
You would have completely ruined everything.                
Their ears and hearts would definitely close up.                
Likewise when a Christian "witnesses" to a secular humanist                
who is well-versed in science and familiar with the Big Bang Theory.                  
Suppose the would-be evangelist throws in something like,                  
"The Word of God - the Bible - says in the Book of Genesis that,                
The universe was created in a single week of 7 24-hour days,                
That shows just how great our miracle-working God really is.              
It happened just 6,000 years ago, not billions of years ago.              
Scientists who talk about billions of years are arrogant fools.              
They weren't there, so how do they know?"                
How do you think the science enthusiast will react?                
He will classify you as a religious nut, a member of the Flat Earth Society.                
He might even put Christianity in the category of fairy tales -                  
and it will be your fault, your own thoughtless fault.                
Christians represent God/Christ to the world, of course.                
When a believer does wrong, that reflects badly on the Gospel of Christ.                
Apostle Paul warns us to "abstain from even the appearance of evil" (1 Thessalonians 5.22).                
If we take evil broadly enuff to include such minor stuff as mere stupidity,                  
well then we really need to "abstain from even the appearance of [stupidity]."                
But a literal interpretation of Genesis One's "Creation Week" is just that - stupid.                
It wasn't always stupid,of course. It was quite reasonable up until, say, 200 years ago.                
"God is All-powerful, so why shouldn't He make the universe all in a single week?"                
But as Geology, Astronomy, etc finally came of age, great Christians who labored                  
tirelessly for God in the vineyards of science gathered evidence that the Earth                  
was far older than the 6,000 years suggested by Biblical genealogical lists (Genesis 5, 11).                
Likewise, after Christian astronomers invented the telescope, etc, they realized                  
that stars were not mere twinkling lights, dangling diamonds in the cosmic darkness.                
Rather they all were distant suns and so the universe became exponentially larger.                
Things like the great age of the Earth and the hugeness of the universe                
Conspired to raise doubt as to the literalness of the Creation Week of Genesis One.                
"If the universe is much vaster than we thought, maybe the creating of it took much longer."                
That's the way observant Christians began to think and reason - and intellectually wrestle.                
But it was the discovery of the Big Bang, in the late 1920s, or rather,                
Discovery of the evidence that resulted in the Big Bang Theory (BBT),                
(Which discovery was made by scientists who were Christians,          
Namely, Edwin Hubble, Fr George La Maitre),                
That makes "Creation Week" and the 6,000-years-old Earth so harmful to evangelism.                
I mean, now that the empirical evidence is in,
all of which is in favor of the Big Bang Theory,                
Our holding to the earlier model - even though it's Biblical, at least superficially -                  
Makes us appear to be anti-science, anti-civilization, anti-truth.                
Remember: When we betray the Gospel by linking it to an old                
now-disreputable doctrine straight out of the Law of Moses,                
(such as a literal 7 24 hour days version of "Creation Week,")                
which Paul the Apostle says we are no longer under(Romans 6.14; Galatians 5.18),                
we automatically become Judas-like enemies of Christ, though unwittingly.                
The kissing of Christ by Judas was an act of betrayal.                
Likewise, our shamefully holding onto things in the Torah Law                
Which have become a stumbling block in the way of souls coming to Christ                
 = a kiss of death to the success of Christian evangelism for those unsaved souls.              
PART TWO:          
Apostle Paul said that we're not under the Law of Moses.(Romans 6.14; Galatians 5.18).              
Genesis is the first in the five books of Moses called "the Law."              
So, the 7 day Creation Week which is in Genesis - we're not under it. !!              
Ditto for the genealogies of men who live "endless" lives.              
Paul cast doubt on those same genealogies when he wrote:              
"Don't occupy yourselves with myths and endless genealogies        
that promote speculations.."(1 Timothy 1.4).."Some people...desiring    
to be teachers of the Law [of Moses] have no understanding.."(verse 6).              
I'm adding verse 6 to verse 4 to show that the context of verse 4 is "the Law."              
 "Endless genealogies" refers to the genealogical lists in the Law.        
For elsewhere Paul specifically puts "genealogies" and "the Law"    
in the same sentence: "But avoid stupid controversies,genealogies,dissensions    
and quarrels about the Law, for they are unprofitable and worthless"(Titus3.9 NRSV).              
My point here is that YEC-ers are DIRECTLY going against Paul's preaching,      
(his gospel) when they make the "endless genealogies" in the Law      
(the Books of Moses) the basis for the age of the Earth and Universe !!!              
So they are drawing down upon themselves the curse ("anathema")              
that Paul put on "those who preach another gospel" (Galatians 1.6-9).            
Finally, Paul says "I speak plainly/literally - not like Moses,"            
implying Moses spoke euphemistically, figuratively(2 Corinthians 3.13).            
So the "days" in Genesis One aren't literally days. Rather they are eons.            
Paul confirms this when he says, "By faith we see the eons("aionos" in the Greek)          
were framed by the Word of God"(Hebrews 11.3),during which eons        
the creation of the Universe took place ("things that are seen came from    
nonvisible things"). So Creation is the context.        
Go to the library, open "Strong's Bible Concordance."  
Look up "worlds" in Hebrews 11.3 (or "universe" in versions other than the KJV).      
You'll see that the Greek word is "aionos," from which we get the English "eons". 
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 13th Jun 2016
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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