Pinpointing the Second Coming

Christ Appearing at the Rapture - THAT's the day  
of which Christ said, "no man knows the day or the hour"(Mark 13.32-36).  
But Christ Appearing at the Second Coming - that's totally separate.  
It comes later, and the approximate date is totally KNOWABLE !!  
Here are my assumptions:  
(1)If the Rapture occurs at the time of the "sudden destruction,"  
For the two events are only 3 verses apart (1 Thessalonians 4.17-5.3),  
(2)And if that "sudden destruction" occurs on the day the Antichrist gets "revealed"  
as the DESTROYER ("The Son of Destruction," 2 Thessalonians 2.3),  
(3)And if that is also the day he "launches war against the saints" to take over the world,  
("Gaining power over every tongue,tribe and nation,"Revelation 13.7),  
(4)This means the Rapture occurs at the start of the Tribulation Period,  
The period in which the Antichrist/Beast/Destroyer will rule the world.  
Once the Trib begins, if we can know how long the Trib will last,  
this gives us the approximate date for the Second Coming !!  
For Christ comes for the express purpose of bringing the Trib to an end !!  
For He comes in order to "destroy the Wicked One," ie, the Destroyer(2 Thess 2.7-8).  
In short, Christ HAS TO come by the time of the finish of the Trib.  
Hypothetically, if the Rapture (the Russian Attack) comes on, say, August 1,  
THAT would be the start of the Trib, for Russia rules the world from that point onward.  
And if the Trib will last for just "5 months"(Revelation 9.5,10),  
All we have to do is count 5 months from August first.  
And we arrive at late December 2016 - as the deadline for the Second Coming.  
For that would equal the end of the 5 months of the Tribulation !!  
Actually, it's not that simple.  
Christ defeats the Antichrist not all by Himself.  
Rather He farms the job out to the Russian troops  
Who will be invading Israel at the time of His Appearing  
(combine Zechariah 14.1-4 with Ezekiel 38-39).  
We read "God sends the survivors [of the armies invading Israel]  
[Back] to the nations [from which they came,like Russia]...  
They will declare my Glory among the nations"(Isaiah 66.19).  
Namely, the glorious Light given off by Christ at the Second Coming,  
For "at night there will be [divine] LIGHT"(Zechariah 14.7).  
In short, the Second Coming will be a replay of Christ appearing  
as Light, turning Saul into Paul the apostle(Acts 9.3).  
So the question is, How much time does it take for the Russian troops  
to travel back home and to evangelize on the basis of the Second Coming -  
and thereby overthrow the Antichrist via mass defections in his ranks ??  
For we read that in the end "no one will be on his side"(Daniel 11.45).  
So, if the Rapture occurs in early August, just a wild guess of course,  
Then the Trib (resulting from Russian take over of the world) runs out in late December.
But if it takes one month for the Russian troops to return to Russia from Israel,  
And another month for them to "proclaim God's glory among the nations"(Isaiah 66.19),  
This means the Second Coming has to occur two months EARLIER THAN late December.  
Around early October  -  around the time of the Feast of Tabernacles,  
Just like Zechariah 14.16 suggests by specifying that that feast time will become  
celebrated by the whole world annually from the Second Coming onward, perpetually.
PS: Right now we CAN'T know when the Second Coming will occur -  
For the Rapture hasn't occurred yet.
BUT once the Rapture DOES OCCUR, from that point onward,
Yes, FROM THAT POINT ONWARD we CAN know when the Second Coming
-  "the Blessed Hope" (Titus 2.13)  - will occur !!!!  
That knowledge will compensate for the pain of the losses
we will incur when America's big cities will become craters,
with black billowing smoke rising into the skies,
 Becoming a filter, making the light of the moon turn "blood" red(Revelation 6.12).  
("The Blessed Hope" refers to "the manifestation  
of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ"(Titus 2.13).)
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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