Adam and Eve and The Fall into Sin

Paul the apostle says, "I speak plainly [openly]   
Not like Moses, who put a veil over his face"(2 Corinthians 3.12-14)  
implying that Moses used euphemisms.   
So maybe the talking/tempting serpent in Genesis 3
is euphemistic language for the alluring phallus?    
By extension, the fruit offered should be what?    
Well an erection's only aim is to pour out its seed.    
So it's not "forbidden fruit" so much as fruit juice.    
When Eve looks favorably on the fruit proffered,    
As if it "could make one wise"(Genesis 3.6)  
 - could that apply to semen??    
Could it be that early man looked at seed as magical ?  
After all, they saw that it has the power to produce life !!    
If so,  Eve represents those early folks who submitted  
to the temptation to "try out" tasting and swallowing semen,    
just to see what positive effect it might have.    
Certainly, the sexual shame that Adam and Eve, representing early mankind,.      
felt after sinning does fit the oral-sex-experimenting theory of "original sin."    
For they became ashamed of their bodies, or more accurately, their privates.    
For it was their "loins" alone that got covered up(Genesis 3.7).
The implication is that the "original sin" had to do with  
Some form of degrading sex.
Which conclusion is supported by Romans 1,
Paul's account of the Fall of Man.
Written by bjboy
Published | Edited 18th Jun 2016
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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