How the US Government Is INVITING Russia to Launch Nuclear War

America and Russia both have intercontinental ballistic missiles(ICBMs).  
With which to devastate the cities of the other side.  
So these ICBMs are called "offensive" missiles.  
But then both sides developed "defensive" missiles called ABMs,  
designed to shoot down the other side's offensive missile warheads.  
These ABMs or Anti-Ballistic Missiles were developed back in the '60s and '70s.  
But then Robert McNamara, Secretary of Defense under JFK and LBJ,  
started a movement to ban ABMs (interceptor missiles).  
The reasoning is that if both sides leave themselves vulnerable  
to the other side's attack, neither side will launch a nuclear war.  
For it would be suicidal - "mutual assured destruction," or M.A.D.  
Both Russia and America signed the ABM Treaty of 1972  
Partly as a way to prevent an arms race to build ABMs.)  
While it seemed smart, at the time, to ban ABMs,  
the ban has turned out to be incredibly - wildly - dangerous !  
For if one side abides by the ABM Treaty  
while the other side covertly builds thousands of them,  
This amounts to a reckless recipe for Nuclear war !!  
For one side would think it could escape "mutual assured destruction"  
By turning it into unilateral assured destruction.  
In short the cheating side would grow bold, even cocky -  
It would dare to imagine it could WIN NUCLEAR WAR !!  
(For it could launch a surprise attack, with impunity.  
For after hitting land-based missiles before they can be launched,  
it could then shoot down the other side's ragged retaliatory strike with it's ABMs.  
So, nuclear war would be completely one-sided !!)  
This, ominously,  is just what has happened !!  
For RUSSIA has gone ahead and built a nationwide ABM system  
in total violation of the ban on ABMs written into the ABM Treaty !!  
If this makes you feel sick to your stomach, it's only  
because you grasp the seriousness of the situation !!  
If Russia is building 1000s of sophisticated and deadly ABMs  
(which, logically, leads them to have "delusions of grandeur"),  
Why the hell doesn't our oh-so-on-the-ball government call them on it,  
Demanding a roll-back (similar to what JFK did concerning Soviet missiles in Cuba in 1961) ?  
The reason we don't demand Russia give up those ABMs is This:  
When our spy satellites witnessed the testing of those ABMs,  
They always FAILED to intercept the dummy warhead they were supposed to shoot down.  
Several times the Red Army sent up a warhead flying across Russia, East to West.  
ABMs were then fired at the dummy warhead but without success.  
So our CIA has determined that Russia's ABMs are harmless, nothing to worry about.  

LSS: Russia has duped America into letting Russia build a nationwide weapon system  
With which the Kremlin thinks - with good reason - it can win nuclear war !!!  
Think of what I'm saying: our CIA, our supposedly intelligent leaders,  
are taking at FACE-VALUE Russia's claim that its ABMs are worthless !!  
What if Russia is lying? What then ? What if those interception tests were rigged ?  
Because there is a tremendous incentive for the Kremlin to rig those tests,  
Our CIA, etc should be skeptical of those test results.  
Where is Congress when we need it ??
Late Addition: Dr Angelo Codevilla, writing in the Jewish journal  
named, Commentary, says that "Of course the Soviet ABMs missed their targets,
for the Soviets knew our spy satellites were monitoring the tests."  
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 15th May 2016
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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