Evolution  --  How Does the BIBLE Support It ??

 "And God said, 'Let the waters bring forth swarms of living creatures'..God saw that it was good. And God blessed them saying, 'Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters of the seas..'" (Genesis 1.20-22). Note that He doesn't say, "Let Me create the living creatures...".He doesn't do it Himself, rather he lets Nature do the work of creating all the lifeforms of the oceans.    
The same theme applies to the land creatures: "And God said, 'Let the earth bring forth living creatures of every kind...And it was so."(Genesis 1.24). Note it does NOT say that God used His hands to form every creature. Rather he let Nature do the job. He farmed the work out to the forces of "the waters" and of "the earth". When the Bible credits Nature with creating aquatic and land life forms it is in agreement with Darwin who gave the credit to "Natural Selection," ie, the forces of Nature, you might say.    
The sequence of the creation of the different kinds of animals (fish,birds, mammals) in Genesis 1.20-24 agrees with the sequence according to Darwin and Evolution. Theistic Evolution teaches that God empowered the waters to "bring forth" the fish, which then produced the amphibians, followed by reptiles, then lastly the mammals. When Genesis gives us this sequence, fish,birds, cattle, it actually is SHORTHAND which can be interpreted this way: First come the fish and the amphibians. (For amphibians start out as water creatures, of course.) Second come the reptiles, as represented by the birds, for birds have many of the same features that reptiles have. Thirdly, there are the mammals: "the cattle and the creeping things [like mice], and wild animals of the earth of every kind"(Gen. 1.24-25).    
"The birds" are a place holder for the much broader category of reptiles - is what I'm trying to say. And the three kinds of land creatures (cattle, creeping things, predatory wild beasts) are an attempt to cover the range of mammals that there is. So there really is a nice (stunning) parallel between Genesis and Evolution Doctrine. (For that's what it is. Not just a theory.)    
Theistic Evolution is science and science is "the General Revelation [of God by God]" and General Revelation is "the Word of God" according to Paul the Apostle (Romans 10.17-18). This is one of those passages of Paul that takes some explaining as Peter emphasized(2 Peter 3.16). Paul starts out by saying, "Faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes thru the WORD of God." So when he then asks,"Have they not heard?" Paul means, "Have they not heard THE WORD OF GOD?" Then he answers by saying, "Yes they have heard [the Word of God].'Their [line] has gone out to all the Earth, their words to the ends of the world' "(Romans 10.18; Psalms 19.1-4). He's quoting from Psalms 19 which is about "the heavens declaring the glory of God" So, later on (in verse 4) when it says "their voice/ line has gone out to all the Earth.." it is definitely referring to the "voice" or "line" of THE HEAVENS.  So, going back to Romans 10, when Paul says, "yes,..their voice/line has gone out" we can paraphrase it like this:"The voice/line of the skies has gone out..."
My point is that Paul is instructing us to count "the voice" of the skies, ie, "the lines" of light from the stars as the very Word of God. How can that be so? Well, the idea is that starlight contains encrypted data which the scientists decode or read. This data give the very size and age of the universe, which info is to "the glory of God." The data in the starlight is "God's revelation of Himself"(Romans 1.19-20). Also known as "General Revelation." By calling it "the Word of God"(Rom 10.17-18), Paul is saying General Revelation(science) = the Word of God.

PS: Notice that I refer to"theistic evolution" not to just evolution. For theistic evolution is not the same as "naturalistic evolution" which leaves God out of the picture. "Fundies" (Christian fundamentalists) make the mistake of lumping both types of evolution together. The fact that theistic evolution gives God credit for the creation of the universe and for the myriads of lifeforms on Earth means nothing to the Fundies. For theistic evolution doesn't accept the 7-days "Creation Week" of Genesis 1, at least not as literal 24-hour days.
Glorifying God isn't good enuff to them. The Fundies insist on the glorifying of God and the Bible as one.That is where they go wrong. God is above the Bible, not on a par with it.(That is idolatry.) The Apostle Paul taught that we "are not under the Law [of Moses]"(Romans 6.14; Galatians 5.18),  which includes the book of Genesis. For "the Law" or "Torah" is the name of the first 5 books of the Bible.Paul asked the Galatians who wanted to remain under the bondage of the Law, "Oh foolish Galatians who has bewitched you?" Likewise, i would like to know, "Oh foolish Fundies, (a/k/a YEC or Young Earth Creationists) who has bewitched you?"
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 15th May 2016
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