The Importance of the Late Jeane Kirkpatrick

During the Cold War between America and Russia  
Our government would support dictatorships as long as they were anti-Communist.  
The Demos, being liberals, condemned our policy on the basis    
that we should be about the work of promoting democracy,  
Opposing all dictatorships, anti-Communist and Communist alike.  
Dr Jeane Kirkpatrick, professor of political Science at .....  
wrote an essay published in Commentary magazine sometime in 1977,  
ripping the liberals' position apart for shallow, juvenile thinking.  
Not all dictatorships are equally evil, she wrote.  
Personal dictatorships, also known as authoritarianism,    
are preferable to Communist regimes for the following reasons:  
(1)Authoritarian regimes tend to be non-ideological,  
Whereas Marxist/Leninist Communism definitely is purely ideological.  
(2)So authoritarian regimes tend to not last as long as Communist ones.  
After the "strong man" dies, usually he is succeeded by a democratic regime,
Much more so than is the case when Communist rulers die.  
(3)Anti-Communist authoritarian rulers tend to allow freedom
of religion while Communist regimes don't, of course.  
(4)They allow for relatively free capitalism / private enterprise.  
(5)They aren't totalitarian while Communism definitely is synonymous with totalitarianism.  
That essay was immediately hailed as brilliant reasoning.  
Jeane Kirkpatrick became a heroine to the Conservative Cause.  
When the Reagan administration took over in 1981,  
Who did RR appoint as US Ambassador to the United Nations?  
Jeane Kirkpatrick, and she did a good job there.  
But my real reason for writing this poem is this:  
The Soviets, being godless devils, have exploited Jeane's ideas for evil.  
The Kremlin masterminds realized that they could win the Americans    
over by superficially giving up the mere "trappings" of Communism,  
while holding onto to the real source of power - the one-party state and thje KGB !!
The Kremlin has gone from Communism to an iron-fisted "authoritarianism"    
(Which is not that different from overt Marxist/Leninist Communist Totalitarianism !!!  
By merely toppling a few statues of Lenin, by just changing  
the names of cities and streets from Leningrad,Stalin Square, etc  
The Kremlin has totally hookwinked the unwise West into thinking that we "won" the Cold War.
We didn't win, for Russia "threw the fight," ie, they "took a dive." - WHY ??
By tricking the West into prematurely celebrating the superficial "Fall of Communism,".  
The crafty Kremlin has manipulated the West into recklessly DISARMING -  
On the basis that, "Now Communism has fallen!"  
But how does our disarming help the evil Kremlin ?  
Our nuclear arsenal is what deters Russia from attacking with nuclear might.  
By getting us to steadily disarm, year after year, decade after decade,  
Eventually Russia gets America, Lady Liberty (as the Statue of liberty is called)  
to, in effect, disrobe much like an unthinking girl being seduced by a lusting boyfriend.
Once he gets her panties down, what does the boyfriend have in mind?
Intercourse, penetration, thrusting, conquest, of course.  
Once we lower the number of nuke warheads we have to the number
of interceptor missiles (called ABMs, for Anti-Ballistic Missiles) that Russia has,
Our retaliatory arsenal will add up to a big fat zero.
For 1,300 warheads, minus 1,300 warheads = zero.
At that point, Russian missiles, phallic in shape, will thrust into our airspace
Oh, how great will the heat of passion be  - for fireballs will appear over our cities.
Talk about HEAT !! What's hotter than nuclear fireballs ??
Then as the fireballs cool, the mushrooms clouds take their place.

Yes, Jeane Kirkpatrick was correct, let's say, to defend authoritarianism.
But by so doing she (and we) played into the hands of the supreme "Masters of Deceit."
And we will soon suffer for it.
Yes, we "believed the lie" like the Bible has foretold (2 Thessalonians 2.8-12),
The lie that Russia has changed, and so we have disarmed.
Next comes the "perishing" that that passage talks about.
"They will perish because they didn't have a love for the truth,
But instead took pleasure in unrighteousness"(2 Thess 2.8-12).
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 1st Apr 2016
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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