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You Brought your Bitch Back In
You left me with a lie
an empty womb
and a picture of your used up cunt rag
who squandered you penniless
and emptied the nest of your dead wife
ashes clog your distant memories
as your daughter plays tic tac toe on her thighs with a pocketknife
bloodied and banged up by daddy's mistakes
you had so many chances to get away
but you stayed behind convincing yourself
that it was the right thing to do
you brought your bitch back in
to do it
when you paid 15 g's to lock up her husband
who's coming for you
you got his letter on a Monday
it said, "the gun won't misfire this time"
you brought your bitch back in
to be your mommy
to feed you
to cloth you
so you can pretend it wasn't you that was abandoned
you brought your bitch back in
to fuck you
to be your mommy and fuck rag all in one
you brought her in to wipe your kids' ass
cook them macoroni and cheese
and vacuum your dirt out of every room
you ride your truck from pickup to pickup
amping up the horsepower
only for it to die quicker than your erection
fucked up on an engine that rides the miles
along streetwise corners
begging for the shit you gave them
you brought your bitch back in
and broke her nose
and punched her eyes into two swollen
circles of plums
oozing out the beauty you love to choke
and suck
suck it up man--its your destruction
and left me with
a disease in my mind
shot to its primalness
as you lied lied lied
you brought your bitch back in
to suck on your joints
rolled so thin you could pick her dried cum
of your teeth
you brought your bitch back in
to correct your money issues
write you checks
and bang out the cash card
when you got empty of gas
you got her cleaning your dishes
thumbing through your phone
asking who's this who's that
and interrogating everyone on that list with a vagina
because, yeah, you're probably fucking them
you brought your bitch back in
to mommy you
to shackle your free will
to fuck you when she's not dry
to be your wet nurse
sucking at a memory
that chokes you
and cries out where's mommy?
mommy--who deserted you
mommy--who abandoned you
when you got stuck in the grit
and hung around juvenile detention for too long
mommy--who got sick of you
mommy--broken by your fucked up ideas
of the white race, broken by your voice
that rattles with the word nigger,
broken by the marks that you skinned
off yourself with german yawps of loyalty
blackened by an eagle holding swastika
that sticks into your chest like you were branded,
a piece of meat ready to be slaughtered by white pride
and daddy, where was he?
the man you search for
but cannot see
the man you wanted to be
but could never be
the man who walked up the shores
of southern Korea in 1953
and hit every goon with battered bullets of iron
with the ghosts of every war tugging at him
that has ever tread the sunken path of glory and defeat
that man--dead
dead after 30 years after he dodged every bullet
but you were the one bullet he couldnt dodge
that man--god bless him, dead
his heart stopped
dead, another San Jose martyr saluting
through the cartoonish lines of amateur graffiti
you were 8
but he was spared the disappointment
you'd turn out be
as you disappointed me
Du Horensohn! Du Horensohn! -- you son of a bitch
you took from me
my strength
and made it my weakness
you son of a bitch
you spread my legs
and made it yours
and still you brought your bitch back in
schlampe! schlampe! schlampe!
makes me spit out her name
what a slut
you brought your bitch back in
to be your mirror
and show you what your heart looks like
just like her
eyes that sink into insomniac blackholes
swallowing every bit of you
and two lips that smack together
like crusted up leeches
sucking everything you got to offer
the skin that surrounds
that unforgiving mouth
wrinkled by pursing a cigarette
and suck, suck, sucking in smoke
that you suck too
and oh god, that fucking hair
that hair
dried up like burnt grass
sprouting out of a dirt patch
and her cheeks
soft hollows sinewously
blowing the men she was searching
to be a father to her children
you brought her in for all that
and you left me with a hole in my heart
in my mouth
in my mind
in my eye
and filled all those holes
with an acidic I Love You,
pumping through my heart like
tiny microscopic daggers
that slit each chamber with oh, gee i didn't mean any of that
you psycotic cunt
you filled my mouth
with liters and liters of modelo
and made me drunk
every second
to forget
your lies
and to black out with ecstasy
blanketing my naked and paralyzed body
that you used used used
it was christmas
and all you could think of was how to get your dick wet
the night was an ombre of a gray afternoon
that melted into a dark pool of disapointment
you ripped through my stockings
and made me swallow your DNA
as you pushed my head all the way down
i couldn't breathe
i was crying but you choked me with your baby making machine
as if my throat was up for the footlong
and your bitch called
and my eyes got full of a woman
that would do anything
yeah, you brought your bitch back in
schlampe! schlampe! schlampe!
you brought your bitch back in
silently and cunning
like a hungry bitch in heat
she's working overtime to make you stay
she'll open her checkbook
everytime you need a fix
and everytime you gotta gold yourself
and show off what you're made of
you brought your bitch back in
to feel like a man
to feel like a breadwinner
to feel human?
Fuck no.
you just want to destroy
that little boy in you
that wants his mommy to fight all his battles
you brought your bitch back in
that ugly old sea hag that got no soul
a woman who hates her own daughter
hates her own grandchildren for the color of their skin
she disowned them as you disown me
Du Horensohn!--you son a bitch
and she grips your wrists
so you can empty your dimes into her pockets
and she can use you for your life
you brought your bitch back in
so she can have shelter
so she's not homeless
and hungry
so she can slave for you
a white trash whore
that can cradle you
and mix it as if you two are from the same stock
you brought your bitch back in
to take it in the ass
and check up on your whereabouts
and be your little loyalitat, loyalitat, a little piece of loyalty
that thinks her love is the declaration of a peacock
inked on her skin
but she never said she loved you when she was confronted by me
which should of been the first thought that slipped of her tongue
yeah so go ahead stick it in that gutter
but don't be bragging about swimming that sewer
everyone else already has
and you brought your bitch back in
because it was easier
it was easy to be with someone who didn't challenge you
who you could be your punching bag
who could be your money whore
I mean, why don't you pimp her then
you brought your bitch back in
because she is useless
and no other man would have her
because she could be your pawn
when you lied your way
she could be your weakness
when you couldn't pull out
but most of all you brought your bitch back in
to be your mommy
to cuddle all your hate
your disgust
your weakness
and get a pat on the head
for bringing home the bacon
and i couldn't keep you
because i couldn't be your mommy
an empty womb
and a picture of your used up cunt rag
who squandered you penniless
and emptied the nest of your dead wife
ashes clog your distant memories
as your daughter plays tic tac toe on her thighs with a pocketknife
bloodied and banged up by daddy's mistakes
you had so many chances to get away
but you stayed behind convincing yourself
that it was the right thing to do
you brought your bitch back in
to do it
when you paid 15 g's to lock up her husband
who's coming for you
you got his letter on a Monday
it said, "the gun won't misfire this time"
you brought your bitch back in
to be your mommy
to feed you
to cloth you
so you can pretend it wasn't you that was abandoned
you brought your bitch back in
to fuck you
to be your mommy and fuck rag all in one
you brought her in to wipe your kids' ass
cook them macoroni and cheese
and vacuum your dirt out of every room
you ride your truck from pickup to pickup
amping up the horsepower
only for it to die quicker than your erection
fucked up on an engine that rides the miles
along streetwise corners
begging for the shit you gave them
you brought your bitch back in
and broke her nose
and punched her eyes into two swollen
circles of plums
oozing out the beauty you love to choke
and suck
suck it up man--its your destruction
and left me with
a disease in my mind
shot to its primalness
as you lied lied lied
you brought your bitch back in
to suck on your joints
rolled so thin you could pick her dried cum
of your teeth
you brought your bitch back in
to correct your money issues
write you checks
and bang out the cash card
when you got empty of gas
you got her cleaning your dishes
thumbing through your phone
asking who's this who's that
and interrogating everyone on that list with a vagina
because, yeah, you're probably fucking them
you brought your bitch back in
to mommy you
to shackle your free will
to fuck you when she's not dry
to be your wet nurse
sucking at a memory
that chokes you
and cries out where's mommy?
mommy--who deserted you
mommy--who abandoned you
when you got stuck in the grit
and hung around juvenile detention for too long
mommy--who got sick of you
mommy--broken by your fucked up ideas
of the white race, broken by your voice
that rattles with the word nigger,
broken by the marks that you skinned
off yourself with german yawps of loyalty
blackened by an eagle holding swastika
that sticks into your chest like you were branded,
a piece of meat ready to be slaughtered by white pride
and daddy, where was he?
the man you search for
but cannot see
the man you wanted to be
but could never be
the man who walked up the shores
of southern Korea in 1953
and hit every goon with battered bullets of iron
with the ghosts of every war tugging at him
that has ever tread the sunken path of glory and defeat
that man--dead
dead after 30 years after he dodged every bullet
but you were the one bullet he couldnt dodge
that man--god bless him, dead
his heart stopped
dead, another San Jose martyr saluting
through the cartoonish lines of amateur graffiti
you were 8
but he was spared the disappointment
you'd turn out be
as you disappointed me
Du Horensohn! Du Horensohn! -- you son of a bitch
you took from me
my strength
and made it my weakness
you son of a bitch
you spread my legs
and made it yours
and still you brought your bitch back in
schlampe! schlampe! schlampe!
makes me spit out her name
what a slut
you brought your bitch back in
to be your mirror
and show you what your heart looks like
just like her
eyes that sink into insomniac blackholes
swallowing every bit of you
and two lips that smack together
like crusted up leeches
sucking everything you got to offer
the skin that surrounds
that unforgiving mouth
wrinkled by pursing a cigarette
and suck, suck, sucking in smoke
that you suck too
and oh god, that fucking hair
that hair
dried up like burnt grass
sprouting out of a dirt patch
and her cheeks
soft hollows sinewously
blowing the men she was searching
to be a father to her children
you brought her in for all that
and you left me with a hole in my heart
in my mouth
in my mind
in my eye
and filled all those holes
with an acidic I Love You,
pumping through my heart like
tiny microscopic daggers
that slit each chamber with oh, gee i didn't mean any of that
you psycotic cunt
you filled my mouth
with liters and liters of modelo
and made me drunk
every second
to forget
your lies
and to black out with ecstasy
blanketing my naked and paralyzed body
that you used used used
it was christmas
and all you could think of was how to get your dick wet
the night was an ombre of a gray afternoon
that melted into a dark pool of disapointment
you ripped through my stockings
and made me swallow your DNA
as you pushed my head all the way down
i couldn't breathe
i was crying but you choked me with your baby making machine
as if my throat was up for the footlong
and your bitch called
and my eyes got full of a woman
that would do anything
yeah, you brought your bitch back in
schlampe! schlampe! schlampe!
you brought your bitch back in
silently and cunning
like a hungry bitch in heat
she's working overtime to make you stay
she'll open her checkbook
everytime you need a fix
and everytime you gotta gold yourself
and show off what you're made of
you brought your bitch back in
to feel like a man
to feel like a breadwinner
to feel human?
Fuck no.
you just want to destroy
that little boy in you
that wants his mommy to fight all his battles
you brought your bitch back in
that ugly old sea hag that got no soul
a woman who hates her own daughter
hates her own grandchildren for the color of their skin
she disowned them as you disown me
Du Horensohn!--you son a bitch
and she grips your wrists
so you can empty your dimes into her pockets
and she can use you for your life
you brought your bitch back in
so she can have shelter
so she's not homeless
and hungry
so she can slave for you
a white trash whore
that can cradle you
and mix it as if you two are from the same stock
you brought your bitch back in
to take it in the ass
and check up on your whereabouts
and be your little loyalitat, loyalitat, a little piece of loyalty
that thinks her love is the declaration of a peacock
inked on her skin
but she never said she loved you when she was confronted by me
which should of been the first thought that slipped of her tongue
yeah so go ahead stick it in that gutter
but don't be bragging about swimming that sewer
everyone else already has
and you brought your bitch back in
because it was easier
it was easy to be with someone who didn't challenge you
who you could be your punching bag
who could be your money whore
I mean, why don't you pimp her then
you brought your bitch back in
because she is useless
and no other man would have her
because she could be your pawn
when you lied your way
she could be your weakness
when you couldn't pull out
but most of all you brought your bitch back in
to be your mommy
to cuddle all your hate
your disgust
your weakness
and get a pat on the head
for bringing home the bacon
and i couldn't keep you
because i couldn't be your mommy
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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