Mixed Emotions

So this is it
this is what my life's come to
even though I'm happy with her
I'm still thinking about you

it makes me mad
it makes me sick to my stomach
it makes me feel awful
whenever i think of it

You left me for a woman
told me later you never did date her
You got yourself a boyfriend
Well i hope you feel great together

oh that's right, you two broke up
cause you were being psychotic
instead of coming back to me
You went on social media you cry about it

It tore me up, the thought of you
loving someone who wasn't me
i remember you said "i love you too"
and took my first kiss, but left a key

i swear i wear it
not out of love, but out of anger
it is a reminder for me
to stay away from you, you're danger

Now I've found new love
true love
i know she wouldn't lie
You did though, that was the first time i cried

I thought about it, you know what I mean
i thought about suicide, causing harm to me
but it was the thought of what it would do to you that stopped death from coming

i hate you now... loath you
i regret ever telling you that I love you
so as a message to you, to say goodbye
know that I'm happy... You can go die
Written by IDoPoetry
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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