The Old Earth vs the Young Earth Controvery

The Old Earth view is that the Earth is 4.6 billion years old,(while the Universe is 13.8 billion years old.)      
But the Young Earth view is that Earth and the Universe are both 6,000 years young !!      
Why should we take the side of the Old Earth, rather than the Young Earth?          
Reason One: Because the Young Earth view is based just on Genesis 1,          
And the genealogical lists given in Genesis 5 and 11.          
(When we take the age of each man at the time that he fathered children          
And add those numbers up, this gives us about 6,000 years as the age of the Earth.)          
Those lists are the "endless genealogies" that Paul the Apostle          
discredited when he writes, "Avoid endless genealogies.."(1 Timothy 1.4).          
They are "endless" in the sense that they are about lifespans of men            
who lived on and on, almost endlessly for 800 or even "969 years"Genesis 5.27).          
But Paul didn't say, "endless genealogies given in Genesis"            
so how do we know he was referring to Genesis 5 and 11?          
Because he does specify, elsewhere, "the genealogies" in "the Law [of Moses]"            
For he writes, "Avoid foolish controversies, GENEALOGIES,            
Dissensions, and quarrels about the Law [of Moses] for          
They are unprofitable and useless" (Titus 3.9).          
And "the Law of Moses" refers to THE BOOKS written by Moses,          
For "the Law" is called "the book of the Law" in several passages,      
Such as Deuteronomy 31.26; 2 Chronicles 34.15.          
And "the book[s] of Moses"(2 Chronicles 25.4) include Genesis.          
In short, when Paul says, "Don't give heed to endless genealogies,"          
He's referring to the "genealogies..[in] the Law [of Moses]," in Genesis 5 and 11.          
Reason Two (why we should go with the old Earth view):  
Paul the Apostle writes "For you are not under the Law [of Moses]            
but under grace"(Romans 6.14; Galatians 5.18).          
Since "the Law" refers to the 5 books of Moses, including Genesis,          
Paul is saying that we are not "under" Genesis !!          
So, we aren't called to defend and hold onto the age of the Earth              
given in Genesis One, in combination with Genesis 5 and 11.          
(Nor to the Account of Creation given in terms of Adam and Eve in Gen. 2-3.)          
We are to be free of the "bondage of the Law"  
and in the 21st century having to believe in a literal Adam and Eve   
would be just that - pure (intellectual) BONDAGE, (masochism of the mind).         
Here's two reasons in favor of the Old Earth view.          
Reason one: Science, in the form of the Big Bang theory, tells us            
that the universe was created 13.8 billion years ago,          
With Earth coming into existence about 4.6 billion years ago.          
Since the "General Revelation" of God in nature(Romans 1.19-21),          
Really requires man's STUDY of nature, which means science,      
We can say science = the "General Revelation" of God.  
So, if science gives us the Big Bang, this means  
The Big Bang = General Revelation.      
And since "General Revelation"  = "the Word of God"(Romans 10.17-18),          
we can say that "the Word of God" supports the Big Bang,  
And therefor the Old Earth doctrine !!.          
Reason 2: Paul says the universe is eons old(Hebrews 11.3).        
For his words, "the worlds were framed by the Word of God" is a mis-translation.        
For in the Greek, the word mis-translated as "worlds" is "aionos,"        
The transliteration of which is the English word "eons."      
Because aionos is a time word, not a spatial word,      
There's no excuse for taking it as "worlds" or "the universe"!!        
By translating aionos in Heb. 11.3 as eons, we have that much of a basis        
for taking the seven "days" in Genesis One as metaphorical language for eons.        
And since each of the "days" are divided into 2 halves, we have 14 periods,        
Those 14 eons would correspond to the age of the Universe        
according to the Big Bang theory, namely 14 billion years.  
PS: for my take on the historicity of Adam, check out my piece
about Adam as symbolic of mankind at the time of    
the Agricultural Revolution of about 10,000 years ago.
On June 29 2015 I wrote, "Christ Isn't Dependent on the Existence of a Literal Adam."
On April 6 2015 I wrote, "Looking at Adam and Eve Anthropomorphically."
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 6th Apr 2016
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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