Proof We Are In the End Time

First of all, the word "End" in the "End Time"    
doesn't mean the end of the world.  
Rather "end" here refers to the end of the waiting period,  
The time of waiting by the world for the Messiah.    
There are many proofs we are in the End Time.  
The following is just one more such proof.  
We read that in the time right before the Messiah,  
"Even the feeblest Jew of Jerusalem will all be like David,  
And the house of David will be like God,  
The angel of the LORD"(Zechariah 12.8-9).  
In other words Israel will be strong, amazingly STRONG.  
Along the same lines,in the same passage, we read,    
The Israelis "will devour to the right and to the left    
while Jerusalem shall be inhabited again.."(Zech. 12.6).  
Today we see this last part has been fulfilled.  
Israel is far superior militarily to "all the surrounding peoples,"  
   -  Egypt,Syria, Iraq, even Iran  -  combined !!!  
In Bible times, Israel was defeated by Egypt.  
King Josiah of Judah, the southern kingdom, fell in battle, we read.  
Iraq, known then as "Babylon," conquered Judah    
and burned Jerusalem, in particular, Solomon's Temple.  
While the Assyrians had already conquered the Northern kingdom.  
One hundred and fifth years before that.  
Then "Persia," as Iran was known back then, ruled over Israel.  
Followed by the Greeks and, of course, the Romans.  
But today, Israel is superior to not only Egypt, Iraq and Syria,  
It also towers over weaklings, Greece and Italy, in military power.  
Yes, we truly are living in the days of the fulfillment of Zechariah 12.6-9 !!!  
What comes next? The Messiah of course.  
It says that when the MESSIAH Appears,    
"when the Jews look upon Him whom they pierced,    
they will weep for Him as for an only son"(Zech. 12.10-11).  
Why are they weeping so heavily?    
The answer is given in the words, "whom they pierced."  
For the Messiah will turn out to be the socalled "deceiver" Jesus Christ,  
Whom the Jewish leaders "pierced" via their surrogates    
the Roman soldiers who nailed Christ to a cross at Calvary.  
Just how soon will the Messiah Appear ??  
It speaks of that time as "that day."  
"On that day I [God] will seek to destroy [the armies of]    
those nations that come against Jerusalem"(Zech 12.9).  
So the message is that the armies of "nations will come against Jerusalem".  
It's worse than that: Christ comes when Israel is about to be destroyed.  
What a cliff-hanger it will certainly be !!  
Several accounts foretell this same invasion of Israel.  
Zechariah 12 is continued by Zechariah 14.  
Here we read that "all nations" will come against Israel.  
"I [God] will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle"(Zech 14.1).  
The city will be conquered..half the city will go into exile."  
Only then does God step in, "Then the LORD will go forth    
and fight against [the armies of] those nations...(Zech. 14.2).  
"On that day, His feet will stand on the Mt of Olives,"  
immediately east of Jerusalem (Zech 14.4).  
Which nations are involved in the invasion of Israel?  
Why does it say "ALL nations" will join in?  
The Bible enables us to grasp what's going on,  
If we are willing to put the pieces of the puzzle together,  
By which i mean, the accounts given in different Bible books.  
Ezekiel 38-39 stresses that Russia will lead the invasion.  
"Magog" is the ringleader nation to "the far/farthest north"(Ez 38.15; 39.2).  
That, by itself, fits Russia, no nation is further north.  
Who is a ringleader of nations if not Russia?  
Plus, "chief prince of Tubal, Meshech"(Ez 38.2; 39.1) is    
better translated as "prince of Rosh,Tubal and Meshech."  
"Rosh" as a place name, rather than as an adjective.  
gives us an approximation of the word "Roos"    
from which came the modern name, "Russia."  
But how does Russia lead "all nations" to join in?  
Well, another account of the SAME invasion (Daniel 11.41)  
Says that "the North" will invade many nations to the South,  
Meaning the West, ie W Europe which means USA gets hit.

My point is that Zech 14 says "all nations will come against [Israel]"
While Ez 38-39 has "many nations," led by Magog, coming against Israel.
If we combine both passages - for they are true "parallel passages" -
We come up with the message that Russia("Magog") will be leading ALL nations.
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 29th Mar 2016
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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