Christ Said He Would "SHORTEN the Days," Meaning WHAT??!!

Christ predicted that "the Great Tribulation" Period would be so bad
that "if it were not shortened, no flesh would survive"(Matthew 24.21).
Then He explains that "for the sake of the Elect,
those days shall be SHORTENED"(verse 22).
What is Christ talking about here??!!

First of all, "the Elect" means "the chosen ones" in the Greek.
It refers to the believers in Christ, ie, the Christian community, the Church.
Secondly, "shortening the days" of the Tribulation simply means
Shortening the length of the Tribulation Period, itself.
Rather than "shortening the DAYS" literally down from 24 hours to,say, 22 hours each.
For shortening the days by a couple of hours each would not only be too difficult,
It wouldn't serve the purpose Christ gave for the "shortening,"
namely, the sparing of human lives (and even animal lives as well).
More on that later.

Thirdly, just what does Christ mean by this "Tribulation [Period]"?
The Bible verse that Christ quoted at His trial,
The verse that got him convicted and crucified was this:
"I saw one like a Son of Man coming with the clouds of heaven,
And he came to the Ancient of Days" (Daniel 7.13).
In Matthew 26 Christ quotes it as follows,
"From now on you will see the Son of Man..
Coming on the clouds of heaven"(Mt 26.64).

That was enuff for the chief priest and jury to convict Him,
saying, "He deserves death" (Mt 26.66).
Evidently that passage in Daniel 7 was important enuff to Christ to die for.
For that was what he did later that same day, Good Friday.

I say all that to lead up to the following point:
Daniel 7.13 is connected to the "vision" given in Daniel 7.7-8.
The "Fourth Beast" comes on the scene in Daniel 7.7.
While the return of that "Beast" empire occurs in Dan. 7.8.
The "Fourth Beast" (Dan 7.7) is the Roman Empire covering Western Europe,
Characterized by one-man rule by each Caesar in succession.
That empire falls, splitting up into many nations.

Then one-man rule over all of Western Europe returns
As (at least) 10 nations of Western Europe get invaded
And conquered by an 11th nation outside their ranks.
For Daniel sees a vision of "a Beast with 10 horns, then
another horn came up among them, uprooting 3 of the horns"(Dan. 7.8).
This return of "the Beast," this return of one-man rule
(via conquest by Russia) will include "war against the saints"(Dan 7.21)
And then "exceedingly terrifying" tyranny(Dan 7.19,23) after the war is over.
That period of evil tyranny (in Europe and else where)
is the "Great Tribulation" that Christ spoke of (Matthew 24.21-22).

The length of the period of (the return of) the Beast's mis-rule
is "three and a half years"(Dan 7.25).
So when Christ promises to "shorten the days,"
this means the time of Russia's rule over the world
will be much shorter than that !! PTL !!

What is the new improved length of the Tribulation Period?
Since the Trib is a period of occupation by Russian troops in Europe,
Most of it won't be time of killing as much as slavery, bondage.
Such a time is described in Revelation 9.
"They long for death but it flees from them."
Since "5 months" is given, this fits the Tribulation(Rev 9.5,10).
What brings an end to it? The Second coming of Christ, of course.
Nothing else could do it, believe that.
More on that next time.

PS: Why do i say that "shortening the days" to just
22 hours each would not suit the purpose Christ spoke of?
Namely to prevent the "perishing of all flesh" (Matthew 24.22).
Because if we have a Tribulation of "three and a half years"(Dan. 7.25)
in which world war takes place, in which Russia wipes out America
And conquers Western (and Eastern) Europe followed by
ANOTHER nuclear war, this one between Russia and China,
the devastation would not be mitigated by the loss of two hours per day.
The ONLY practical way to prevent the mass slaughter
resulting from a Russia-China super war would be to bring
a halt to the Tribulation Period BEFORE such a war occurs.
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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