"The Revealing of the Destroyer" - What Does Paul the Apostle Mean??

 Paul writes that "[the Rapture] can not come except..  
the Man of Sin be revealed, aka the Son of Destruction"(2 Thessalonians 2.3).  
To streamline things a bit, we can paraphrase it like this:  
"The Rapture will coincide with the revealing of the Destroyer."  
But this still doesn't tell us just WHAT the revealing is.  
What action is going on that "reveals" this man to be the super Destroyer??  
We need to take this sentence as an "elipsical" statement,  
one which leaves something out that deserves to be included.  
Logically speaking, if a man becomes known for his destructiveness,  
It is a result of some terrible destructive act by him, or a series of such actions.  
Since we're living at a time in which the term WMDs have been coined,  
"Weapons of Mass Destruction,"it would be realistic to assume    
That this man, this monster, will resort to the use of WMDs !!  
THAT would be what "reveals" him as the Destroyer !!  
 Namely the military destructiveness that he launches  
(presumably to conquer lands and nations.)  
What Bible passages confirm this line of reasoning?  
We know that this same man is called "the Beast" who    
"makes WAR against the [Christians] and conquers [their lands]
thereby gaining "power over every..nation"(Revelation 13.7).  
The part about "making [world] war" confirms what I'm saying.  
( I say "world war", for "every..nation" is synonymous with the world."
Plus there is another Rapture passage that says specifically  
that DESTRUCTION occurs at the time of the Rapture.  
For the Rapture in 1 Thes 4.16,17 is followed by these words,  
"sudden destruction will come"(5.3), just three verses later !!.  
The combination of Rapture and destruction implies that it is DESTRUCTION  
by the Destroyer which is what reveals him as such - as the DESTROYER  !!  
Finally, there is a Rapture passage that specifies just what kind  
of man-made destruction will accompany the Rapture, namely nuclear war.  
For we read that fiery destruction will come from out of the sky,  
For Christ, speaking metaphorically,foretells that, "the stars will fall"(Matthew 24.29).  
Then the Rapture will occur:"The Son of Man will send His angels  
to gather His Elect from the four winds..."(Matthew 24.30-31).  
But we already know, from 2 Thess 2.3 that it is MAN-MADE destruction
that comes at the Rapture, for only that kind can point an accusing finger  
at someone,"revealing" them to be "the Destroyer."
So, if that man-made destruction and "the stars falling"  
are one and the same, this requires that the "stars falling"  
be man-made objects, namely nuclear fireballs, of course.
No wonder Paul calls "the Man of Sin," "the Son of Destruction,"  
Which can be interpreted as "the DESTROYER" (2 Thessalonians 2.3) !!
For what would be more destructive than NUCLEAR WAR !!
PS: But rest assured, it will NOT be "the end of the world,"
That part is pure Hollywood.
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 16th Jan 2016
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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