Born to Die

Born, like any other  
Torn from the cosy womb of your mother into this cold atmosphere  
This alien place, too loud, too bright  
Confusion and fear  
That first rasping breath of air    
You scream, then breathe, great gulping gasps    
This is how it starts    
Next, you crave, more than anything, your mothers embrace  
This is to be warm, fed, safe    
Instead of her touch, her loving gaze, her gentle reassurance    
You get nothing    
You're thrown away  
This is almost beyond endurance    
You're abandoned and left to strangers    
No trace of her smell    
Not a single picture, or memory    
Just a terrible longing that weights upon you constantly, unbearably    
These strangers, they're no friendly foster family  
They're not even kind    
You plead, you pray  
Your ache is met with indifferent eyes  
Eventually you learn not to cry  
You beg him for some comfort  
Some promise it may still turn out okay    
But instead he hurts you, a fierce, piercing pain that stays for days    
So you learn to keep quiet    
Even when your little heart beats like a drum  
You close your eyes, praying more pain doesn't come    
Praying your life might become    
Something other than darkness and coldness and numb  
In the dark, alone, you can hear the screams  
Piercing, desperate screams begging for mercy, unseen    
Terror prickles your skin like the hands of phantom beings    
They're coming for you    
You're panicking, and screaming  
The fear is overwhelming  
You smell the blood  
And you know that it's ending.....  
This is more than imagining, this is something that is happening a million times a day, and this is just in the UK  
Stop the suffering, please  
Vegan is the only way  
Written by Raa
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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