The MILLENNIUM = The Church Age (Which we are at the end of right now !!)

The "New Heaven/New Earth" is supposed to come  
at the end of the Millennium(Revelation 20.2; 21.1).  
If the Millennium = the Church Age, this means the New Heaven, New Earth  
Should come on the heels of the Second Coming of Christ,.  
For THAT Event is what closes out the Church Age.  
What Biblical basis is there for this claim ??  
(That the Millennium = the Church Age; and that  
the Second Coming is followed by the New Heaven/New Earth.)  
Isaiah 66.18-22 is strong support for that view !!  
It has the New Heaven, New Earth coming on the heels  
Of the appearing of the Glory of God(Isaiah 66.19,22) !!  
Just what is this visible "Glory of God" ??  
None other than the "Appearing of Christ a second time"(Hebrews 9.28).  
While Isaiah 66 doesn't directly say that,  
The context runs parallel to other Second Coming passages.  
We read that the Second Coming(Zechariah 14.3-4) occurs when  
God "gathers all nations to war against Jerusalem"(Zech. 14.2).  
Likewise, Isaiah 66 has "I am coming to GATHER ALL NATIONS..  
They shall come and see MY GLORY...:(Isaiah 66.18,19).  
But what mention is there of a battle?  
Well, it speaks of "survivors,"  
"I will send the survivors to the nations"(Isa. 66.19)  
("To proclaim My Glory").  
"Survivors" of what?  
Survivors of the power released when God [Christ] Appears  
(over the Mt of Olives in Jerusalem, Zech 14.3-4).  
For we read, "[the Lord's] indignation will be against His enemies...  
For those slain by the LORD will be many"(Isa.66.14-16).  
But what evidence is there that these "slain" and "survivors"  
Have come to Israel as enemy soldiers invading Israel,  
(As is the case at the Second Coming of Christ(Zech 14.2; Ezekiel 38-39)) ??  
Answer: In Ezekiel 38-39, (which is a parallel passage to Zechariah 14),  
The nations invading Israel include "Rosh,Meschek,Tubal,Put"(Ez 38.2-3,5).  
Those same nations show up as the very same - SAME!! - nations  
that God sends the "survivors" (back) to: "Put..Rosh, Meschek,Tubal"(Isa. 66.19).  

Logically, an invading army returns to the nation(s) they CAME FROM.  
So for these soldiers to go to "Put, Rosh, Meschek, Tubal.." implies  
that those are the nations FROM which the invasion CAME.  
So the invasion of Israel in Ezekiel 38-39 = the invasion in Isaiah 66 !!  

Since Ez 38-39 is clearly about the Second Coming of Christ,
("I will reveal Myself.."Ez 38.23; "This is THE day I have spoken of" Ez 39),
Isaiah 66.14-20 likewise MUST be about the Second Coming.
Finally, since the New Heaven-Earth are presented immediately afterward(Isaiah 66.22)
This implies the Renewal occurs right after the Second Coming.
(So the Millennium = the Church Age.Case closed.)

PS:Where some faulty translations have "those that draw the bow,"(Isa.66.19)  
others more sensibly have the names of nations,"Rosh, Meschek, Isa 66.19).  
Since the passages begins with place names("Tarshish,Put and Lud")  
And ends with "Tubal and Javan," the words "those that draw the bow"  
clearly don't belong in the middle between those two end points.  
The translations that translate the Hebrew into PLACE NAMES  
Rather than as the idiotic phrase,"those that draw the bow"  
clearly are preferable.There is no contest.
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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