Russian Fleet in the Med Sea Off Syrian Coast -- What Does It Portend ??

Part 1: Look up JEFF NYQUIST, on YouTube.      
He has talked of a book about prophets/seers            
who predict Russia will invade/overrun Western/Eastern Europe.            
One of the prophets/seers has claimed that the WARNING SIGN            
that the Russian Attack on Europe is about to begin is this:            
OFF THE COAST OF SYRIA."            
(This prediction was given DECADES          
before the present-day Civil war in Syria."            
So,a few days ago, I googled, "Russian ships off the coast of Syria."            
What did i find? To my horror, there was a list of news reports            
About Russia's ONLY aircraft carrier entering the Mediterranean Sea,            
Coming close-up to, yes, the Syrian coast  -- scary stuff !!!            
(Russian invasion of Europe means Nuclear Attack upon the USA !!          
Almost automatically, for we are married to Europe via NATO.)          
Part 2: One of the seers that I spoke of also said there would be    
a confrontation between the Russian fleet and some other fleet.    
The Kremlin wants to attack America without any warning.            
But that's impossible for we would see the preparation moves.            
So, as a substitute for catching us completely by surprise,    
They have to settle for what I call "Reduced Awareness."    
They want to make the war-preparation moves but trick us    
into thinking they're not really serious about going to war.                    
It works like this: Russia arranges for a confrontation at sea,    
A little incident, to happen JUST SO they can go on "highest alert,"      
Getting their missiles,etc READY for an attack on America !!            
But we won't recognize it as such, of course.        
We'll think its only bluster, mere "saber rattling."                 
Instead, they will be deadly serious,moving right before our eyes !!            
Getting ready to attack us but we won't grasp the gravity.            
That's the whole idea - to get us to judge Russia's movements            
By the situation in Syria, when that's just a front, a cover !!            
The President and the Pentagon will say, "They can't possibly            
be getting ready to go to (nuclear) war with us,            
Just because of that confrontation off the coast of Syria.No, no, no.            
Let's say, Russia bombs the Free Syrian Army which we're supporting,            
Killing some US advisors and Special Forces, Navy Seals, etc.        `    
Then we complain forcefully, making indirect threats.            
Something like, "We're NOT going to let you do that again !!"    
Plus, a Russian ship brushes up against one of ours in the Med Sea.            
That's all the EXCUSE Russia will need to go on the "highest alert,"            
Just one step away from launching nuclear war !!            
Our side will judge what Russia does by what's going on in Syria.            
But the opposite is true: It has nothing to do with Syria,            
Nothing to do with our condemnation of Russia's killing our men, etc.           
By getting us to misread (the reason why) Russia's going on "highest alert"            
Russia gets us to not respond in kind - By going on "highest alert" ourselves.
(Which is what we should do - for it would stop Russia from attacking us !!)            
In short, our awareness is reduced. That's why I call it "Reduced Awareness."          
By our refusal to go on "Highest Alert," Russia gets what it wants,          
Catching us by the near-equivalent to "complete surprise."          
(We won't go on highest alert for fear          
that that would "only escalate the situation.")         
December 7th is the anniversary of the Japanese attack    
on American territory - Pearl Harbor in Hawaii in 1941.    
For Russia to attack on that anniversary of an earlier attack    
Would be a little bit similar to what happened to Israel.    
For when Babylon went to war against Israel,    
They burned the Jerusalem temple on a particular day,    
"Tish B'Av," the 9th day of the 5th Jewish month.       
Then 657 years later during the Roman-Jewish War,    
the Roman army burned the Temple on the same day, same month.      
But regardless of when Nuclear War finally comes,    
The Russian Attack will fulfill "THE EVIL DAY"(Ephesians 6.13),          
The most evil day of all time !!!  
(On the other hand, it will also be a good day,  
The day of the Rapture of (part of) the Church.  
For we read, "But that day can not come except...  
The Man of Sin be revealed as [the Destroyer],"(2 Thessalonians 2.3),  
revealed by the MASS DESTRUCTION he launches,  
Which kills millions of folks whose souls then depart,  
With the "saved souls" among them going to heaven en mass.)        
But I can't close without sharing the REALLY good part:          
Once Russian Attack occurs,          
The Second Coming will be            
just "5 months" away(Revelation 9.5,10)!!          
That means world peace forever more !!!
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 1st Dec 2015
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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