WHEN Will the RUSSIAN ATTACK Arrive? (an update)

WHEN Will the Russian Attack Arrive ??!!    
Well Oct 25 and Nov 7th have mercifully passed without a problem.        
 Thank God! For every extra day of peace!    
But the Kremlin is still getting ready for the big event.        
If the Reds have infiltrated, hacked our military computers,            
(Our national security is lax enuff to let it happen),          
they may have put in a date on which the 'puters will break down.                
If they hit within a month as the anniversary of the Russian Revolution,          
That would mean December 7 as "World Revolution" (nuclear war) month.      
(That way, they could then celebrate annually two revolutions together      
In a month-long celebration spanning the two anniversaries:      
November 7 to December 7 ??         
But the good news is that the END point of the Tribulation    
(The time in which Russia rules the world) seems pretty clear:
some time in April 2016.For April is "5 months" later.
The Tribulation will last "5 months"(Revelation 9.5,10).          
March 23-24 2016 is the Jewish holy day called PURIM.
See the Book of ESTHER, chapter 9, verses 20-28 in the Bible.      
Why does Purim fit as the time of the Second Coming of Christ?
Haman, an early Antichrist figure, was executed at Purim.
The times of the Old Testament holy days are supposed to be when
the CHRISTIAN version of those same events take place.    
(For "the holy days in the Law [of Moses] are a shadow
of things to come"(Colossians 2.17;Hebrews 10.1)
For example, Passover was when Christ,"the Lamb of God" was slain.
Pentacost was when the Holy Spirit came down (Acts 2.12),
Like Moses carrying the tablets inscribed with the Ten Commandments
came down from Mt Sinai at  (the time of year that would become) Pentacost.    
LSS, the real Antichrist should BEGIN to bite the dust at PURIM !!  
In the sense that if Christ Appears at Purim,
THAT will be the beginning of the end for Gorbachev.
With his actual death at around Easter/Passover in April 2016.  
 PS: The Kremlin's plans to have the two revolutions celebrated annually    
Will be thwarted by Christ's Second Coming(Ezekiel 38-39 = Zechariah 14).
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 1st Dec 2015
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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