Why the Russian Attack may Come Between November 24th and November 25

I was thinking that it would arrive on November7th. But the nuclear Judgment Day didn't happen. But I'm still thinking it will still come in November. Here is my reasoning: the Kremlin may want to hold an annual more-than-two-weeks-long celebration each year celebrating the two Communist revolutions. - (1)The Russian Revolution of 1917 and (2)the world-wide revolution that lies ahead.  
Since Nov 7th (1917) is the first date, this means the second date would have to be, logically, in November(2015.) That way the world could (in the wishful thinking of the crazy Bolsheviks in the Kremlin) celebrate the "liberation" of Russia and then that of the world. (In fact,it's the enslavement first of Russia and then the world).  Two anniversaries married into one long celebratory period.  
The Kremlin's crazy plans will be dashed upon the Rock of Ultimate Reality. For the Second Coming(more like a brief Appearing) of Christ is specifically designed to "destroy the Wicked One"(2 Thessalonians 2.8),who is THE DESTROYER("the Son of Destruction" 2 Thess. 2.3).aka the Antichrist, old man Gorbachev !! There will NEVER be a two-week-long joint celebration of Nov 7th to Nov 24. Christ will see to that. For the Second Appearing(Hebrews 9.28) will occur a short "5 months"(Revelation 9.5,10) after Russia's unthinkable abomination, the act of betrayal against all humanity.  
So stock up on cans of food, meds, water, batteries, guns and ammo.BEFORE November 24th !!  
PS: in case you want to know just how the Appearing of Christ in the sky above Jerusalem (at the Mount of Olives aka "Olivet")  
(My step-grandfather's name was Olivett, I had forgotten that), will defeat the Russians, it's very clear   -  if you accept that God likes to communicate thru types, typology.    
When Saul the persecutor was waging war against a subset of the Jews, those that believed in Jesus, Christ Appeared to him briefly,as LIGHT, moving him to turn 180 degrees(Acts 9.3). Saul became Paul the Apostle, the chief enemy of those he had served before. He worked to, in effect, overthrow the system he had been loyal to.(Acts 9.20-30; Philippians 3.7-8).    
That's the model that will followed in the future. The Russian troops invading Israel, waging war on the Jews, will be surprised by the "Light at night" (Zechariah 14.7), i.e., the Second Appearing of CHRIST!! Like Saul, they will turn 180 degrees, mutinying against their loyalist officers(Ezekiel 38.21; Zechariah 14.13). Christ sends them home to Russia, etc, "to proclaim God's glory"(Isaiah 66.19), the glory of the Light that has Appeared to them(Zech 14.7). This proclamation mushrooms into revolution against the Antichrist regime of Gorbachev, aka the Beast, Man of Sin, Gog, King of the North, the Little Horn"(Daniel 7.8).How does Gorbachev fit the description of "Little Horn"? Horn means king or ruler (Dan 7.24). Gorbachev will reign overtly just a short or "little" length of time, the "5 months"(Rev 9.5,10), of the Tribulation.But actually he has ruled since March 1985 when he succeeded Chernenko.His "resignation" in 1991 was only apparent, not real.He's been ruling thru front men like puppet Putin.  
Apostle Paul even alludes to Christ's Appearing to him as being like (a rehearsal of) the Second Coming when he calls it "a birth out of due time"(1 Corinthians 15.8). Birth is where you meet your maker(Mother), so it's like seeing God, your real Maker.So when Paul saw Christ wasn't that a birth experience?? So if it was "out of due time" that means the right time is later, into the future.So Paul implying what he experienced will happen in the future.To other people.So he might as well say the Second Coming will be like a repeat of Acts 9.3. But on a larger scale.  
So far I've covered Nov 24 But why of this year not Nov 24 of 2016 etc? see my piece titled, "Why November May Be the Month of Russian Attack." It deals with 2015 as the year.  
PS: time for an update. Nov 24 would be 7 days into November, like Nov 7th. But starting at the end, instead of the beginning. Also, Nov 25 would be the day before Thanksgiving.An attack on THAT day would, be a super desecration, "adding insult to injury."
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 1st Dec 2015
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