Evolution Needs God

Imagine a child sucking his thumb,
while holding his security blanket with the other hand.
That's what YEC, Young Earth Creationists, are like,
Clinging to the "security" of a 7 day "Creation Week,"(Genesis 1).
They hold onto God creating Adam "from the dust of the ground"
And creating Eve by taking one of Adam's ribs while he slept(Genesis 2.7,21-22).  
Those childish accounts of Creation in "the Law of Moses"(the first 5 books of the Bible)
Are confirmation of Paul the Apostle's words when he says,
"The Law was our Paidogogue until Christ came"(Galatians 3.24).
Which in the Greek means "boy-leader,"  
The paidogogue was the slave who led children to school.
By implication, Paul is claiming the Law is geared for children.
That's certainly true with the first 11 chapters of Genesis,
With its record of men living mythologically long lives.
Mahalalel lived to be 895 years (Gen. 5.17)
While Methuselah, who lived for 969 years(Gen. 5.27).
Lamech died young at only 777 years(Gen. 5.31).
Yes, the Torah Law really was treating people like children
When it taught such surreal stories,such far-fetched fantasies.  
So when Paul tells us to "put away childish things"(1 Corinthians 13.11),
Surely he must mean such things as Adam created from the ground,
Eve created from his rib, Methuselah living almost endlessly??!!
If Paul himself wasn't aware of the untruthness,  
The God who wrote thru him WAS aware of the problem.
For God wrote thru Paul, "Don't give heed to...ENDLESS GENEALOGIES
Which cause disputes, rather than godly faith"(1 Timothy 1.40; Titus 3.9).
Yes,  a genealogy that claims a lifespan of "969 years" or even just 365 years(Gen. 5.23)  
is a genealogy of a near-endless life,in short, an endless genealogy !!
And Paul wrote, "Don't give heed to ... endless genealogies..."
So Paul and God are leading us away from such "childish things."
Also Paul wrote "you are not under the Law [of Moses]"(Romans 6.14; Galatians 5.18).
Since those Creation accounts, etc are in Genesis which is part of the Torah Law,
We are not "under" the 7-day Creation Week, or Adam and Eve, etc.
We are not duty-bound to believe or defend such "childish things."
On the contrary, we are duty-bound to put them aside !!
For they go against Paul the Apostle's gospel !!
Paul said, "If any one preaches another gospel,  
let him be accursed"(Galatians 1.8-9).
If we are not to believe in a week long "Creation Week"(Genesis 1)
Or a literal Adam and Eve, what ARE we to believe about the Beginning?
Paul wrote that God reveals Himself and His ways thru Nature (Romans 1.19-20).
This gave prestige to the study of Nature which developed into Science.
So there is not just the Special  Revelation of God by God, namely the Bible.
There is the General Revelation of God (and His ways) by God  
via Nature, the STUDY OF NATURE, aka Science.
As "scripture interprets scripture,"  
so too revelation interprets revelation,
General Revelation explains Special Revelation,  
Science explains the Bible, and vice versa.  
Science has enabled us to read the message of glory  
encrypted in the light of the stars (Psalms 19.1-4).
We now know the heavens,(the stars in the heavens)  
are "declaring" - revealing - that the universe is expanding !!
From that Father Georges LeMaitre, a Roman Catholic priest
has deduced the Big Bang Theory (originally "the cosmic egg theory").
We are to interpret Genesis One by the Big Bang.
Yes, "Let there be light"(Gen.1.3) = the Big Bang's heat and radiance !!
The Creation "days" are interpreted as "aionos" or eons(Hebrews 11.3).
As for the creation of animals and Man,
Instead of taking us from the dust,
God told the water and the land to bring forth low forms of life(Gen. 1.20,24),
From that God brought forth Man, by manipulating the genes that were already there.
While it wasn't impossible, it was wildly improbable.
So it is still a miracle. Just as the coin found in  the fish's mouth ( Mt 17.27).
The complexity of even the single cell, such as  
the left-handedness of the 20 amino acids
means Evolution couldn't happen without God's cooperation,
Even His intervention. God is the Master of "Chance." (Ecclesiastes 9.11).
Yes, Evolution NEEDS God's bending the rules.
more later
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 7th Dec 2015
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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