The Big Bang is the Glory of God

According to science, Astronomy in particular,  
The heavens declare the Big Bang.  
Meanwhile the Bible informs us,  
"The heavens declare the glory of God"(Psalms 19.1).  
If we take both declarations as synonymous,  
We arrive at this break-thru statement,  
That's it, the message I have to share.  
The rest is just the explanation that goes with it.  
Just how do the heavens declare the Big Bang?  
How do the skies supply the solid evidence  
That the Big Bang took place billions of years ago?  
How does the universe communicate to us?  
By sending to us the light of the stars of billions of galaxies.  
That starlight is the main thing that the universe declares to us,  
(Forget the motion of the planets, comets, and asteroids.)  
Scientists run that star light thru spectroscopes, etc  
Which break it down, like a prism does, into the 7 colors.  
But the red isn't quite where it's supposed to be.  
There's a slight shift to the right in the spectrum..  
That "red shift" tells the scientists that the source of
The light is receding, moving away from us.  
(That idea, that the red shift means that the object is receding,  
is based on what's called the "Doppler Effect.")  
Astronomer Edwin Hubble discovered in the 1920s  
That if you collect starlight at 7 PM the red shift is present.  
If you collect it at midnight (or 4 AM, etc) which means  
your telescope is pointed at a different part of the sky  
The red shift still there.  
It doesn't matter which direction  
The telescope is pointed in.  
So, all the galaxies are moving away from us.  
Which means, inescapably, that the universe is expanding!  
By induction, reasoning from the particular to the general,  
We arrive at the conclusion that the universe was smaller and smaller,  
The further back in time you go.  
Until. at the Beginning, all the universe occupied the same spot,  
Smaller than an atom, not as matter but as energy!  
It was from that subatomic point that the universe sprang forth,  
A seemingly infinite amount of energy-eventually-becoming-matter  
Coming forth from the realm of the infinitesimal,  
All within an equally infinitesimal amount of time !!!  
That's why I claim that, "the Big Bang is the glory of God,"  
"The harder the feat, the greater the GLORY."  
If that premise is correct,  
then the creating by God of the Big Bang  
Wins for Him the ultimate glory.  
No greater glory is possible.  

Why, because no greater feat is possible.  
The Big Bang is the greatest of all feats  
Because of the superlatives involved:  
(1)the greatest quantity of energy  
(2)coming forth from the smallest passageway  
(3)all within the smallest amount of time.  
That supreme feat of all feats,  
Is what the universe ("the heavens") declares.  
To the glory of God.  
And THAT (God's glory) is the criterion, the test, the standard to go by.  
For the Apostle Paul says,  
"Whatever you do, do all to the GLORY OF GOD"(1 Corinthians 10.31).  
Not only was the Big Bang totally impossible,  
(Which makes it's reality all the more impressive,)  
God had to get the amount of gravity just right,  
Compatible with the amount of outward velocity.  
Otherwise, gravity's pull on everything would have  
Kept the energy from continuing to expand.  
The universe would have imploded.  

On the other hand, if the velocity were too great,  
The energy's expansion would have overwhelmed gravity.  
The hydrogen gas cloud wouldn't have condensed,  
Becoming multiple clouds on their way to becoming galaxies.  
The universe would have been a complete dud.  
The Big Bang would have been all for naught !!
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 29th Oct 2015
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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