The "Two Olive Trees" Are to Call Down Fiery Judgment Upon Sin

I've predicted Russian Attack for 30 years,    
Since 1983 to be exact.    
But I've been wrong every time.    
So I've gotten the impression      
That the opposite of what i say will happen  
Is what does happen.    
So now I will do something new:    
I'll say it WON'T happen on a certain day.    
It won't happen between October 25 and November 7, 2015.    
NO RUSSIAN ATTACK OCT 25 --  NOV 7, 2015 !!    
It may sound like I am TRYING      
to make nuclear war come to pass.    
(It's going to happen regardless of what i do,    
For Bible Prophecy has to be fulfilled.) ***    
No, I'm just trying to pin it down,    
Get the date right or close to it.    
Why, so that people will believe the REST of my message.    
But the "2 Olive Trees"(Revelation 11.3-7)    
Are tasked with calling down fire as punishment for sin.    
("fire comes from their mouths,consuming their foes"(Rev 11.5).    
Who are these 2 figures(aka "the Two Witnesses") ?    
Originally the "Two Olive Trees" start out as      
A single olive tree made up of 2 parts(Romans 11.17-24).    
The two parts stand for Jews and Christians!    
So too with the 2 Olive Trees in Rev 11.    
They are Jews and Christians, not merely 2 individuals !!    
So, we Christians are to call down fire,    
In particular the fire that has been prophesied already,    
Namely, nuclear fireballs, as in nuclear war (Russian Attack).    
More literally, we are to warn people of the fire that is coming,    
Telling them that it is God's Judgment on sin,(more like abominations),    
It will be the fulfilling of the Judgment by fire predicted by Apostle Peter(2 Peter 3.7)      
If we don't do it, if we shy away, we become "shirkers."    
Like Jonah, who was told by God to go preach to Nineveh      
But instead tried to flee to Tarshish (Jonah 1.2-3).    
PS:   ***   I said "Bible prophecy has to be fulfilled,"  
but I think nuclear war could have been avoided.    
But it would have taken an extraordinary MATURITY    
On the part of the Church, like a middle school student    
Going to college instead of high school.    
If the Church had remained loyal (beyond 1030 AD) to    
the original view of the Millennium(Revelation 20),    
Namely, that the Millennium equals the Church Age,    
Like St Augustine wrote,("City of God" book 20, chapter 8),    
Then the Church would have seen  -  understood  -  that
The chief human villain at the end of the Millennium,    
(Namely Gog (Rev 20.8, interpreted by Ezekiel 38-39))    
HAS to be the Antichrist at the end of the Church Age.    
Next, because the "Magog" that Gog rules is Russia,    
The Church would have seen that the Antichrist would first rule Russia.    
So when Mikhail Gorbachev came to power in 1985,
The Whole Church would see him as the fulfilling of "Gog," the Antichrist.    
So when he turned on his charm and ended the Cold War,    
We would have seen thru it, realizing it to be just a ploy    
To trick us into giving up half of our retaliatory arsenal.    
(Which makes it much more feasible for Russia to shoot down    
our retaliation because our missiles will so few in number).  
Finally, we would have refrained from disarming drastically.  
Retaining our 39 Boomer submarines,(we've cut back to 12),    
So our arsenal would have continued to deter Russian Attack.  
Yes, Nuclear War would have been avoided  !!  
This would have meant there'd be no Second Coming!  
For the purpose of the Second Coming is the destruction  
Of the Antichrist who conquers the world(2 Thessalonians 2.7-8).  
If he doesn't conquer, there's no need for Christ to come and destroy him.  
Would Christ have gone along with no-Second-Coming ?  
Yes, if the Church had measured up in the way I have described,  
It would also have done other things like getting rid  
of abortion, pornography, preventing Gay Marriage, etc.  
Enuff Christians voting is all it takes.  
So fiery Judgment to get the world's attention  
And to punish sin wouldn't have been needed.  
(For the Church/gov't/society would have curbed sin already,1 Corinthians 11.31),
Nor would the brief Appearing of Christ in the sky(Zechariah 14.7).
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 29th Oct 2015
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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