How Are Fundamentalist Christians To Blame For The Legalization of Gay Marriage??

By (1) holding onto Creation Week in Genesis      
As seven literal days of 24 literal hours,      
By (2) viewing Adam and Eve as historical,not figurative, and      
By (3) accepting the "endless genealogies"(1 Timothy 1.4; Titus 3.9)    
of men like Methuselah,who lived to be 969 years old(Genesis 5.27),      
FUNDAMENTALISTS have become contemptible      
in the eyes of the secular humanists.      
The three actions listed above have the effect on secularists      
That waving a red cape has on a raging bull.      
Young Earth Creationists know that their actions draw down scorn      
not just for themselves but for the BIBLE.    
They are giving the Bible a bad name.      
But that doesn't stop them!      
It's like they, some of them, have a martyrdom complex!      
Are they deliberately goading the secularists      
into having contempt for the Bible?      
They remind me of Don Quixote,      
Deludedly jousting at windmills,      
Thinking he is fighting a monster,      
And bravely battling for the glory of Spain.      
What does all that have to do with the Supreme Court      
Legalizing Gay Marriage? you ask.      
Secularist judges know that for centuries      
All our laws were Biblically based.      
So, when they lose respect for Christians      
due to Christians holding childish views  
(such as Young Earth Creationism!),      
These godless Justices on the Supreme Court      
Lose respect for the Bible - if they had any to start.
They may have panic attacks in which they fear that    
If the Bible is an unreliable, unworthy foundation,    
Then the whole edifice of our laws is a "house of cards."      
"If the Bible breeds men who still think the universe is 6,000 years old"    
despite the evidence to the contrary, that has come to us in the last 200 years      
Then maybe the Bible is a real hinderance to society."    
That's the way the secular Justices are thinking now!      
They legalized gay marriage on the basis that  
They think the Bible's condemnation of homosexuality  
may be as unfounded as Methuselah's age of 969 years!.    
It is our job, as up-to-date Christians, to separate things like    
The Universe's short age and Methuselah's long age,      
From the rest of the Bible,  
(for Paul the Apostle says "You are not under the Law [of Moses]"
Which means Genesis, written by Moses.
What Paul doesn't say is this,
"you are not under the Old Testament as a whole,")
Separating the short age of the Universe
And the long age of Methuselah,
From the rest of the Bible,
Would be similar to what    
The Early Church Fathers did.      
Back in the first century the issue was  
whether the converts were required to      
Live by all the rules of the first 5 books of the Bible,
aka, "the Law of Moses."      
The Fathers decided against it.    
They singled out which rules are to be kept,    
while abandoning others! (Acts 15.19-20).      
(The principle was,"Don't make it hard for people to come to God"(Acts 15.19).)
Likewise, we should be doing with Adam and Eve, and Methuselah    
What the Early Church did with circumcision and the prohibition on pork.    
We should have learned from Acts 15 !    
But instead, the Fundamentalists have, in effect,    
Ripped Acts 15 right out of their Bibles!      
By doing so they have gone against Apostle Paul,      
Who said, if anyone accepts another gospel,    
Let them be accursed - Anathema"(Galatians 1.8-9).      
The curse that Paul pronounced has fallen on the fundies,      
And by extension on America. in the form of the legalizing of gay marriage!!!  
PS: secular people don't have a problem with miracles,  
That much, for even they know that if there is a God,  
He's going to have to have the power to do miracles.  
No, what secularists really have a big problem with (and contempt for)  
Is when totally-impossible things are presented as normal  -  non-miracles.  
For example, when a talking snake is presented as though  
it were the most natural thing in the world(Genesis 3.1-4).  
Second example, Methuselah lives til he's 969 years(Genesis 5.27).  
As if that's no big deal.not that much above the norm.
After all, its only 39 years more than Adam's 930 years (Gen. 5.5).
It's surreal, that's a polite way to put it.
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 22nd Oct 2015
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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