Good News: The TRIBULATION will be a SHORT "5 Months"

Christ is going to "appear a [brief] second time" (Hebrews  9.28),  
Just "5 months"(Revelation 9.5,10) after Russian Attack on America.  
Yes, Russia will get to rule the world for ONLY 5 months!  
That is the length of the TRIB, the Tribulation Period.  
VERY SHORT!    S      H      O      R       T     ! ! ! ! ! ! !! ! ! !  
But didn't Christ promise a "shortened" Trib (Matthew 24.22)?  
When does it begin? HOW does it begin??!!  
October 24-25 is when. Russian Attack is how.  
(Besides the surprise NUCLEAR attack on America,    
there will be the invasion/conquest of Western Europe(Daniel 7.8)).  
Russian Attack was made possible by our disarming  
In response to Gorbachev's ending the Cold War!  
That's WHY Russia ended it - to trick us into disarming.  
"Russia has changed," was the big lie the Bible foretells.  
The West believed it, now comes the part about "perishing"(2 Thessalonians 2.9-12).  
(the Lie + our believing it + our disarming = our perishing.)  
The part about our disarming is what the Bible left out.  
The RAPTURE will apply to the saved souls  
Among the millions of people departing,
As the "sudden destruction" occurs(1 Thessalonians 4.17-5.3).    
The rest will go to...well, you know where.  
("The dead in Christ rising first" already happened,  
When a Christian believer dies, they are caught up  
(becoming "as the angels"(Luke 20.35-36).  
For when Paul was killed, stoned TO DEATH(2 Corinthians 12.2-4; Acts 14.19-20).  
His soul rose out of his body,
Was caught up (raptured) to the 3rd heaven.
This shows the Rapture occurs at DEATH.   
The purpose of the Second Coming  
is to destroy the Antichrist(2 Thess 2.7-8).  
But my main point is a SHORT TRIB.(Matthew 24.22;)  
Of just "5 months"(Revelation 9.5,10).  
So hang on til the end.of it.  
That will be the start of a New Heaven and Earth,  
An endless Golden Age - Zechariah 14.9.  
PS: buy as much food, etc as you can BEFORE Oct 24-25.  
Why Oct 24-25 is Judgment Day by Fire(2 Peter 3.7):    
It is the original date of the Russian Revolution of Nov 7, 1917.  
(Going by the old calendar, Julian.)  
The Kremlin may want to revive that date.  
Second reason, if the end of Gorbachev the Antichrist,  
 (aka Gog ruler of Magog, the Beast, the king of the north)    
Is at PURIM (Esther chapter 9, Haman was a type of the AC),  
Then 5 months earlier would start at the close of October.
Why should Gorbachev's regime end at Purim?  
 Purim is the anniversary of the execution of Haman,
An early prototype of the Antichrist.
Apostle Paul wrote that the Jewish holy days  
"are a shadow of things to come but the Body of Christ"(Colossians 2.16-17).
He doesn't finish the sentence (in the Greek).
This lets us do it for him.
The Jewish holy days swill be fulfilled
during the time of the Church (= "the Body of Christ" Eph 1.22-23).
This means that Christian meanings will be given those holy days.
So the death of Haman will be replaced by the death of the Antichrist
As the main thing celebrated at Purim.
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 20th Oct 2015
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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