Why November 14May Be The Day of Russian Attack  --  a NUCLEAR Pearl Harbor !!

  Another Pearl Harbor is coming, a NUCLEAR version. "A day that will live in INFAMY," as FDR would say. Why do I claim it MAY, come on November 14?? If the Kremlin chooses November 14 it will in a sense be trying to wrap that attack in the mantel of the supposed "glory" of the original Russian Revolution of 1917,which took place just 7 days earlier, November 7th.. If the Kremlin selects November 14, that will demonstrate the truth of the old saying, "the more things change, the more they stay the same."    
The Russian Attack will be treason against the human race, but also THE fulfilling of the Bible's prediction of  a Judgment Day by FIRE(2 Peter 3.6-7). The Kremlin will label it as a "World Revolution" on a par with the 1917 Russian Revolution, only grander in size and scope. To connect the two together, Gorbachev, the mastermind, may pick a day in November for its historical, sentimental value.  
As to the year, 2015 is just shy of a full century since the original 1917 revolution.Gorbachev could have waited til then, but he is 84, so the pressure to speed things up is enormous. The fact that he is 84 in 2015 really is significant. For "84" matches the number in George Orwell's book, "NineTeenEightyFour," about the Communist (or at least totalitarian) conquest of Western Europe (and the rest of the world). While, technically, that book doesn't present the process of the conquest, it does start off with that conquest as a given, as the premise. a "fait accompli."So that book really can be viewed as a prophecy of the Russian conquest of the world, despite the fact that the word "Russia" doesn't show up. It's a stretch but not an excessive stretch.  
Gorbachev the conqueror, his age (84) matches the number in the prophecy of his coming conquest. By "the prophecy,"  I mean  the book, "1984," as I have explained. But what BIBLICAL basis do i have for looking for the age of the conqueror in the prophecy of the conquest that he will make? (Which gives us the year of that conquest, it pins it down precisely.For Gorbachev will be 84 only in 2015 (and til March 2016).  
ANNOUNCEMENT: Here is the Bible passage that serves as the precedent for what I'm doing !! In the Book of Daniel the king of Babylon is throwing a party. Then a disembodied hand is seen writing, "Mene mene tekel pharsin" on the wall (Daniel 5.1,5,25). Then Daniel is called upon to interpret it. Taking the words as verbs gives us "numbered," "weighed," "divided" - prophecy that Babylon will be conquered by the Persians(Dan 5.26-28). (Parsin relates to Persian.)    
But if we take those same words as nouns, instead of verbs, they are 60 + 1 +  2 halves,adding up to 62.Now why is that important? Because the age of Darius the conqueror is given as "sixty two" (Dan 5.31). In short, the prophecy of the conquest ("mene ...") also gives us the age of the conqueror!    
But why should we apply that to the conquest of Western Europe? For that coming conquest is put in terms of the conquest of a type of Babylon, all over again. For Rome is called "Babylon," (1 Peter 5.13; Revelation 14.8; 16.19). Rome is the meaning to the "seven heads." They are "the seven hills upon which the Woman sits...the Woman is that great city which rule over the kings of the Earth"(Rev 17.9,18). I say that in order to bring in "the ten horns" which always appear with "the seven heads", (Rev 12.3; 13.1; 17.3). That linkage in the time of Rome as the seat of the Papacy puts the ten horns in the position of being ten CATHOLIC nations in Western Europe.  
Finally, those "ten horns are ten kings"(Daniel 7.24) and by extension the ten nations they rule.  
The ten horns / nations are victims of invasion by "another horn"Dan 7.8), which means a nation from without. It will "come up among them"(Dan 7.8), meaning it will enter into their midst. INVASION (and conquest) is the obvious message. By Russia. For what other nation is capable of conquering all the leading nations of Western Europe?!!  
Because the "ten horns"/ten nations that get conquered are with "Babylon,"(Rome), on the basis of the 7/10 unity, it's as if Babylon and its provinces are being conquered as in ancient time. And since that earlier conquest was characterized by a prophecy that gave the age of the conqueror, the same should hold true THIS time as well !! The prophecy is "1984," of course. So "84" is the age of the conqueror! Since Gorbachev is the conqueror and he became 84 in March of this year, 2015, this is the year of the conquest of Europe.(And since we are tied to Europe via NATO we get hit, to put us out of the picture. To enable the Russian takeover of Europe.    
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 13th Nov 2015
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