What the Eucharist Means to Me

The Eucharist is another name for Communion.
But what does Communion refer to?
"Com" means with, while union means union.
So the answer to the question is:  
To come together, to unite with.
To become "one."

When the sperm unites with the ovum,
The two become one.
So conception is a parallel to Communion.
For the sperm dies so that
the egg, transformed, can live on.
Just like thru Christ's death,
The world,transformed into the Church,
"The Body of Christ," could gain new life.

In Communion "the bread and the wine" stand for
The body and blood of Christ given for us.
"Do this [ritual of eating bread,drinking wine]
in remembrance of Me[My death]," Christ says(Luke 22).
These words reveal the purpose of Communion:
To remember what Christ has done for us.

But the Roman Catholics take the focus away from Christ.
They claim that the priest performs a miracle at Communion!
For ordinary bread and wine is supposedly
Transformed Into the real body and blood of Christ!

Instead of remembering Christ's death on the cross,
The emphasis is on God using the priest as His instrument
In performing the miracle of the "transubstantiation".
What a distortion, what total blasphemy!
The Catholic Church turns Communion upside down, inside out.
Communion isn't about a miracle of transformation of bread and wine.
Rather we, the believers, are transformed into "the Body of Christ"(Ephesians 1.22).

The Catholics BUTCHER the Eucharist just like
They have defiled and abused the Ten Commandments.
(See my piece, -  it's coming soon  -  titled,
"How the Catholic Church Has Tampered With the Ten Commandments").

The Eucharist is a reenactment of the death of Christ,
For when the loaf of bread is torn, as each parishioner takes a piece,
That corresponds to Christ's body being torn when He was scourged,
And pierced when a crown of thorns was placed on His head,
And violated when the nails were driven into His ankles and wrists,
And, finally, when his side was stabbed with a sword (    ).

But when the believers swallow the bread and wine,
This conveys that Christ's death becomes theirs!
They participate with Jesus on the cross.
Like Paul writes,"Don't you know that when you were baptized,
You were baptized INTO Christ's death"(    )?
The same hold true with Communion.
The confirmation of my claim is found in the historical record.
Nero and other Caesars crucified the Christians because
they wouldn't worship the emperor as a make-believe-god, as was the custom.
The Church brought an end to Emperor worship by their mass martyrdoms.
(Enforcing the law became too burdensome so it was withdrawn.)

What fortified the believers to be able to die such gruesome deaths?
It was none other than the Communion meal!
Communion is the fulfilling, the obeying of Christ's command,
"Take up your cross and follow Me [in the death of martyrdom]" (   ).

Yes, taking the bread and wine into our bodies
Amounts to a sort of pledge of our willingness
to die Christ's kind of death, the death on the cross!
(Or the equivalent thereof).

Communion is nothing less than an acceptance of
Christ's invitation to us to have fellowship with Him,
"the fellowship of suffering" (     ).

To die to sin is to die a martyr's death,
For a martyr's death is by choice.
(They could easily have saved themselves by recanting.)
Likewise as we die to sin, it is by choice,
We choose to put to death "the old nature."
That's what Communion means to me.

PS:About the Catholic Church, the worst part
isn't the twisting of the meaning of Communion to glorify the priests.
For that originated in the Dark Ages, the times of backwardness,ignorance.
What's REALLY bad is that today, the age of the Church's maturity,
The Catholics still haven't repented of what their forebears have done!
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 14th Sep 2015
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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