The Bible Predicts the Russian Conquest of Western Europe

There are 3 passages that can be taken that way.    
Let me narrow the focus down to just one passage.    
Daniel 7.8 is the main World War 3 passage.    
And that is what we're talking about here,    
Full-scale Nuclear War, yes, World War 3.    
While Dan 7.8 is the action verse,    
Dan 7.13 is an extension of it.    
Quoting verse 13 and applying to Himself    
Is what got Christ executed,you could say.    
For,the high priest asks Christ,    
"Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?"    
Then He replies, "I am,      
And you shall see the Son of Man..    
And coming in the clouds of heaven"(Matthew 26.64;Mark 14.62).      
Then "the high priest rent his clothes,    
Saying,He has spoken blasphemy..What do you think?    
They answered,He is guilty [,worthy] of death"(Mt 26.65-66).    
Yes, it was Christ's quoting of Dan 7.13      
That got Him convicted, sentenced to death.      
Compare what christ said(Mt 26.64; Mk 14.62)    
 with+These words from Daniel 7.13:    
"I[Daniel] saw in the night visions, and    
Behold,one like a Son of Man      
came with the clouds of heaven."    
Anyway, because Daniel 7.13 is so important,    
We should be willing to see the value of Dan 7.8,    
For that is the actual action verse.    
It reads,"I[Daniel] considered the [ten] horns,    
And..there came up among them another..horn..."    
Not very impressive, you may be saying.    
Yes, the Bible is filled with understatement.    
The "ten horns" are introduced in Dan 7.7    
But they come into existence later oo,    
Only in the timeframe of Dan 7.8.    
"The ten horns are ten kings"(Dan 7.24).    
But kings rule nations, of course,    
So by extension the 10 horns/kings      
Stand for ten nations - 10 NATIONS!    
So when we read,in this "vision" of the future,    
That horn,number 11, "came up among [the 10 horns]"    
This means one nation will invade 10 nations!    
These ten victim nations are set in Western Europe,    
Now, why do I say Western Europe specifically?    
First of all,if they are in Western Europe    
And if the invasion takes place in our lifetime,    
And if Russia is the 11th nation,    
The aggressor nation, the conquering power,    
The implication for America is ominous,why?    
Because we are the Defender of NATO nations!      
Russia would NEVER invade Europe without      
Taking out the USA via a preemptive strike!!    
So if Dan 7.8 is about today's Europe and Russia,    
Then Dan 7.8 is a prediction of NUCLEAR WAR:    
Russian Attack upon an unsuspecting America!    
What's the evidence that Dan 7.8 is      
about ten nations in Western Europe?    
"The ten horns" are on the "Fourth Beast"(Dan 7.7),    
Which is the last of "four beasts"(Dan 7.3).    
"The four Beasts are four kingdoms[empires](Dan 7.17).    
They appear, one after the other, in succession.    
Because the vision in Daniel 7 parallels      
The dream about 4 empires in Daniel 2,    
We can interpret Dan 7 by Dan 2.    
Babylon under King Nebuchadnezzar      
Is the first empire(Dan 2.38).    
Persia conquered Babylon so it is      
The second empire(Dan 5.28-31).    
Alexander the Great conquered Persia,    
So the Greek empire is the third one(8.3-7,20-21).    
Rome conquered the Greek empire,    
So the fourth empire/fourth Beast(Dan 7.7)    
Was the ancient Roman empire.    
OK, we have the location pinned down,    
the geography of the Roman empire.    
But that empire eventually split up.    
Thirty nations,or more,    
now occupy that once-Roman territory.    
Which of those thirty plus nations are    
The ten nations represented by the "ten horns"?  
The Book of Revelation elaborates on  
"The Beast with ten horns"(Dan 7.7-8).  
It becomes, "The Beast with 7 heads,10 horns"(Rev 12-18).  
But what are the "seven heads"?  
The "seven heads are seven hills    
upon which the Woman sits..  
The Woman is that great city which  
Rules over the kings of the Earth"(Rev 17.9,18).    
Long story short,the "great city" is Rome.  
Papal Rome succeeded imperial Rome.
The 7 heads are with the 10 horns in Rev 12.3,
Which is set in the first century.
But the 7/10 combo remains in Rev 13.1,
set in the post empire,papal period.    
(Note:see the shift in where  
power is located:Rev 12.3 versus 13.1.
This tells you Rev 13.1 is post-empire,
much later than Rev 12.3.)
Only ten nations stayed with Rome    
into the post-empire or papal period.  
The rest of the 30 nations went with    
Islam or Greek Orthodox Church.  
So the "ten horns" have to be    
ten Roman Catholic nations  
On once-Roman geography.  
Namely,Portugal, Spain,France,  
(England was RC til the 1500s.)
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 13th Jul 2015
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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