Christ Isn't Dependent on the Existence of a Literal Adam

Fundamentalists claim Adam    
brought sin into the world,    
While Christ came to bring salvation    
From mankind's fallen state.    
So if there was no Adam,    
If the story of Adam and Eve    
Isn't literally true,    
Then salvation thru Christ    
Has no foundation in fact,    
According to the Fundies.    
They would have us believe    
that without a literal Adam    
Christianity becomes a house of cards!    
Why do I say they are wrong?    
Christ came to save us from our sins,    
To pay for the sins of the world on the Cross.    
So, as long as SIN (not Adam) is real,the truth,    
We all have a need for a savior.    
So it doesn't matter if Adam himself    
is not a literal historical figure,    
As long as mankind's sinfulness is literal.    
As long as our fallenness is real,    
We still have an obvious need for a savior,    
Adam and Eve or no Adam and Eve!    
As long as Adam and Eve represent the truth,    
That's good enough - all we need to get by.    
Adam and Eve are at the start of the Torah,    
Also known as "the Law of Moses,"    
the name of the first 5 books of the Bible.    
The Apostle Paul says "the Law [of Moses]    
has a SHADOW..[but] not the very image"    
of the truth(Colossians 2.17;Hebrews 10.1).    
We can apply that to Adam and Eve.    
Adam is a shadow of early mankind,    
Man at the dawn of the Agricultural Revolution,    
For he is the first farmer(Genesis 3.23).    
As for the Fall of Man, Paul demythologizes it!    
The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil,    
and its "forbidden fruit" are gone.    
There's no talking serpent in Romans 1.20-32.    
But that passage is still an account    
of the Fall of Man, or should I say, Society,    
And it deserves to be recognized as such.  
Just like Christ survives the fact  
That Christmas isn't literally December 25th,  
He can triumph over the lack  
Of historicity of Adam and Eve,  
Without breaking a sweat!  
PPS:The real test of Christ  
as the Savior of the world is this:  
Will He, or won't He, defeat the Antichrist  
After that "Beast," (the Bible's term)  
Gains power over the whole world.  
Yes, Russia will strike America  
In early August of this very year, 2015.  
America will become like Samson  
shorn of his locks of hair(Judges 16.17-20).  
But Russia will emerge unscathed!  
For our retaliatory strike will be so small,  
Our missile warheads so few in number,  
That Russia's ABM system will  
intercept - shoot down - most of them.  
Yes, Russia will receive a "fatal wound"  
which will turn out to not be fatal(Revelation 13.3-4).
Gorbachev,who never really retired,
Will seem invincible, and claim to be God(2 Thessalonians 2.4).
Then the Messiah will show him who is really INVINCIBLE!
All Christ does is Appear to the Russian troops
Invading Israel at that point(Ezekiel 38-39).
That is all it takes to get them to switch sides!
Just like with Saul becoming Paul(Acts 9.3).
Then He sends them back home to "proclaim God's Glory"
Which they will have just witnessed(Isaiah 66.19),
In terms of the divine LIGHT at night(Zechariah 14.7).

And while telling what they have seen,
They also overthrow Gorbachev,
"The King of the North,"
Who will be left with "nobody
To do his bidding"(Daniel 11.37-45).
From beginning to end,
Gorbachev's victory will last
only "5 months"Revelation 9.5,10).
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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