
What is family, are they ment to be there as a whole?
Or is their purpose just to kick you low, into a hole?
Are they ment to be supportive, loving, true and kind?
Or are they just there to play head games with your mind?
Are your brothers, sisters, wether blood or step siblings?
Ment to be your mentors and give love without quibbling?
Yes or no, depends on how they feel about you then!
Wether you are in with them or on the out again!
Dosnt matter what you do or what you try to say!
They take whatever they want out of it that day!
They will have a bitch with you no matter how you act!
Dont you worry that is very much a perfect fact!
They will have a beef with you from when you were just small!
They hate it even more when you say, listen its my call!
When you stand up tall and strong and tell thm what you think!
They will hate it even more , will shun you in a blink!
But that is family when you are a kid and on your own!
Growing up is hard when you feel so much alone!
They think you wont remember all the pain in you they caused!
But now it will be our turn to close up those family doors!
All your life you want to be accepted, loved and be as one!
The gift of family you got, was a kick right in the bum!
But thats ok, I no now how youve seen me all these years!
I now have my own family, that will love me without tears!
I dont want you and never will this late now in my life!
Your hatred and your jealousy has only given strife!
So you go, live your life as in our only family photo!
The part where I was cut out, like in life, that was your motto!
Written by traceymaree
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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