Dear Massachusetts Institute of Insanity (Filler/Long)
Dear Massachusetts Institute of Insanity,
My subject designation ID is J459NR3297. I wish to apply for test-study at your fine institute for the spring of 2015. I hope you take the time to read this letter alongside my completed application form and mailed transcripts. I do believe that I would make a valid candidate, and bring much positive contribution to the campus, fulfilling the fine standards of research that MII is renowned to harness.
Upon viewing my application and transcripts, you will notice my previous record of test-study. My first two year term occurred at the Brandt College of Interrogation Technique in Galveston, Texas. There I gained a practical hands-on experience, being subjected to areas such as Cold Water Pressure and Shock Freezing, Electrical Current Method, and basic Chemical Mind Scrambling, with some Bio-Robotic Insertion. After my successful test-study at Brandt I went on to my second, four year term overseas at the Paulovshlovski Center of Public Mind Control in Gadzhiyevo, Northern Russia. There I gained a more theoretical backdrop of mental alteration, being exposed to such contemporary ideas as Computer Response Triggering, Media Propaganda Hypnosis, and Leader Reference Obedience, while taking part in elective minor studies on the subjects of Stock Trading Addiction, Over-Spending Disease, Weather Event Fetishes and False Web-Profiling. I was also brought into many exciting research projects among the fields of Metaphysical Self-Regeneration and Para-Mental Transport Occurrence.
At both of these previous institutes, I was constantly subjected to rigorous and unpredictable challenges, preparing me fully for higher levels of study. I demonstrated the most resilience among my fellow test group members, while often exceeding the demands and expectations of all faculty and staff involved. I left both institutes with the highest of honours. But apart from these exceptional technical credentials, I would like to turn your attention now to my personal life, my inner feelings and core beliefs, in how the kind of person I am outside of the institution walls will be complimentary to my success during my term at MII.
At a very young age it was established that I was developmentally gifted. At the age of two I was diagnosed with the rare condition of Piscecogitaria, a disorder in which the individual believes he or she is a fish. During infant swimming lessons I would remain underwater often until drowning, having to be resuscitated from near-death dozens of times by lifeguards and medics. Throughout childhood I was constantly jumping into bathtubs, sinks and fish-tanks at home and elsewhere, and in instances outside would often run about trying to swallow in as many mosquitoes, flies and other insects as possible, until becoming vehemently ill. During elementary school I could not help but pretend I was a fish on the playground, often getting violently bullied and attacked by other students, but in other cases, acting out viscous predation on children of younger grades, pretending they were smaller fish which I could eat. My fish nature was expressed in all of my class assignments and art projects, with much of my writing done in Glu-Glub, the language of the Fish People. My problems culminated when during a school trip to the San Francisco Aquarium I was able to sneak into one of the tanks, where I was near-fatally attacked by an adult Blue Shark.
I was promptly taken out of the public school system and was sent to alt highschool in the town of Spanish Fort near Mobile, Alabama. As a teenager I developed more existential connection to my aquatic feelings. I wore self-sewn fish outfits made of plastic and rubber, had most of my body inked with scales and fins, and pierced all locations with fish-hooks. I would often escape supervision and go off to public beaches where I would rebel by removing my garments and bobble about the area slurping up lake weeds and algae slime until sick. At the age of fifteen I began to experiment with the dangerous mind agent Marijuana with my peers, where I would begin to over-analyze that I was a fish trapped on dry land, the dryness would get too much for me, and I would flip out on the sidewalks in an epileptic-like frenzy until paramedics arrived to relieve my mind back to its natural state of water and fluidity. I also became convinced that I could transmit oxygen directly to my lungs via under my armpits, so I cut numerous gill-like incisions down the sides of my torso. I was finally institutionalized at Oakwood Memorial Hospital, but was able to continue with my education and thus graduated from alt highschool.
After my full recovery I rented an apartment in downtown Mobile for a year before test-study at Brandt, where I explored my fish connection to an even deeper level. One day I was being myself in the nearby Tensaw River, making my way upstream, where I met Claudine, a 57lb catfish stranded near the shores under the I-65 bridge. I fell in love and took her home, keeping her in my bathtub until I was able to save enough of my disability pension savings to have a large custom tank built which could fit us both comfortably (I sleep floating underwater connected to a SCBA). After six months, I proposed, but was not granted official certification from the state office, and out of desperation and frustration decided to eat her.
Later on at Brandt, during the various hallucinogen infusion sessions, I became Awoken to my Inner Fishiness, and after test-study there, I joined with my fellow Fishthren at the Earth Detachment of the Church of Fish from the Pleiades Star System Alliance. I feel existence is one Grand Ocean, and we float about as nothing more than fearful mouths and sets of eyes, towering threateningly above or cowering submissively below one another. Only until we rise to the same level in the depths with each other, shall we truly find peaceful equilibrial Balance. My hobbies and interests include swimming, deep sea diving and water-puddle sculpture art. I like the works of Earnest Hemingway, my favorite modern film is Finding Nemo and I am an ardent die-hard fan of the musical group Phish.
In closing, I hope MII considers my formal accreditation and personal passion to be above-ample proof that I will become a productive and successful member of your institute. For there is nothing other within my upward swim to the Source of the Stream, but the pursuit of bettering the Future of Humanity, while bettering my own future. I will bring much greatness and award to the ever-succeeding research at MII.
As a final token of my undeniable devotion to the Cause of Madness, I have included a short poem for you to enjoy, written in Glu-Glub, the official language of the Fish Nation of the Pleiades Star System Alliance:
“Gu Glalub Ubla”
Gulla ghu'bo gu aglup Guha go
Aglup Glaglo go, aglup Guue go
Blo g blup ugga oob, ugga oob Gubla go
Gah gluu gluu ge, gaala gaala ge
Ghu baaa gla gl-glabb gu, gollob ubla bal ghuo
Blagluglug plubla ghlop glalobb bubl uuu
Globu gaboop gu g baa buglop uu
Globb globb uuu g, gah pl-boggl plaa glabol ghu
Gubh gahopp plaa uu gahah plobbl ob go
!Glabba gouh gl-oubba agloga ghah uu plaa bo ghuo!
!Agool ag-guaa ug gha gopplu gluubl boglap g!
!Glag boggba gla ug gha pagluub uuu u!
Bloppl gla g ag, plappl boblop g, agogg bal ga bup
Gloopl balluu bal ghuub g, gopp plogga gaplog go
Ab agloppl ghu gu, bl-ghoopa, gl-agaaga buuu ga
Gloobl abb-g, ablogglp baa abb-g
Apoggo gohoo gha abb-g blopp bal ha
Abogg gloppl ghe g, oooba abogg ha gah
Oooba ghuo gla g baa ugga u
Paglopgl gu bal glabl gulobb ab-ghu ub u
Baggoo aglopp obb ghlo bal ploppogl g'pu
Bogap poblaggl gla g puu
.Paa, bogap poblaggl Gla g puu.
Thank you,
My subject designation ID is J459NR3297. I wish to apply for test-study at your fine institute for the spring of 2015. I hope you take the time to read this letter alongside my completed application form and mailed transcripts. I do believe that I would make a valid candidate, and bring much positive contribution to the campus, fulfilling the fine standards of research that MII is renowned to harness.
Upon viewing my application and transcripts, you will notice my previous record of test-study. My first two year term occurred at the Brandt College of Interrogation Technique in Galveston, Texas. There I gained a practical hands-on experience, being subjected to areas such as Cold Water Pressure and Shock Freezing, Electrical Current Method, and basic Chemical Mind Scrambling, with some Bio-Robotic Insertion. After my successful test-study at Brandt I went on to my second, four year term overseas at the Paulovshlovski Center of Public Mind Control in Gadzhiyevo, Northern Russia. There I gained a more theoretical backdrop of mental alteration, being exposed to such contemporary ideas as Computer Response Triggering, Media Propaganda Hypnosis, and Leader Reference Obedience, while taking part in elective minor studies on the subjects of Stock Trading Addiction, Over-Spending Disease, Weather Event Fetishes and False Web-Profiling. I was also brought into many exciting research projects among the fields of Metaphysical Self-Regeneration and Para-Mental Transport Occurrence.
At both of these previous institutes, I was constantly subjected to rigorous and unpredictable challenges, preparing me fully for higher levels of study. I demonstrated the most resilience among my fellow test group members, while often exceeding the demands and expectations of all faculty and staff involved. I left both institutes with the highest of honours. But apart from these exceptional technical credentials, I would like to turn your attention now to my personal life, my inner feelings and core beliefs, in how the kind of person I am outside of the institution walls will be complimentary to my success during my term at MII.
At a very young age it was established that I was developmentally gifted. At the age of two I was diagnosed with the rare condition of Piscecogitaria, a disorder in which the individual believes he or she is a fish. During infant swimming lessons I would remain underwater often until drowning, having to be resuscitated from near-death dozens of times by lifeguards and medics. Throughout childhood I was constantly jumping into bathtubs, sinks and fish-tanks at home and elsewhere, and in instances outside would often run about trying to swallow in as many mosquitoes, flies and other insects as possible, until becoming vehemently ill. During elementary school I could not help but pretend I was a fish on the playground, often getting violently bullied and attacked by other students, but in other cases, acting out viscous predation on children of younger grades, pretending they were smaller fish which I could eat. My fish nature was expressed in all of my class assignments and art projects, with much of my writing done in Glu-Glub, the language of the Fish People. My problems culminated when during a school trip to the San Francisco Aquarium I was able to sneak into one of the tanks, where I was near-fatally attacked by an adult Blue Shark.
I was promptly taken out of the public school system and was sent to alt highschool in the town of Spanish Fort near Mobile, Alabama. As a teenager I developed more existential connection to my aquatic feelings. I wore self-sewn fish outfits made of plastic and rubber, had most of my body inked with scales and fins, and pierced all locations with fish-hooks. I would often escape supervision and go off to public beaches where I would rebel by removing my garments and bobble about the area slurping up lake weeds and algae slime until sick. At the age of fifteen I began to experiment with the dangerous mind agent Marijuana with my peers, where I would begin to over-analyze that I was a fish trapped on dry land, the dryness would get too much for me, and I would flip out on the sidewalks in an epileptic-like frenzy until paramedics arrived to relieve my mind back to its natural state of water and fluidity. I also became convinced that I could transmit oxygen directly to my lungs via under my armpits, so I cut numerous gill-like incisions down the sides of my torso. I was finally institutionalized at Oakwood Memorial Hospital, but was able to continue with my education and thus graduated from alt highschool.
After my full recovery I rented an apartment in downtown Mobile for a year before test-study at Brandt, where I explored my fish connection to an even deeper level. One day I was being myself in the nearby Tensaw River, making my way upstream, where I met Claudine, a 57lb catfish stranded near the shores under the I-65 bridge. I fell in love and took her home, keeping her in my bathtub until I was able to save enough of my disability pension savings to have a large custom tank built which could fit us both comfortably (I sleep floating underwater connected to a SCBA). After six months, I proposed, but was not granted official certification from the state office, and out of desperation and frustration decided to eat her.
Later on at Brandt, during the various hallucinogen infusion sessions, I became Awoken to my Inner Fishiness, and after test-study there, I joined with my fellow Fishthren at the Earth Detachment of the Church of Fish from the Pleiades Star System Alliance. I feel existence is one Grand Ocean, and we float about as nothing more than fearful mouths and sets of eyes, towering threateningly above or cowering submissively below one another. Only until we rise to the same level in the depths with each other, shall we truly find peaceful equilibrial Balance. My hobbies and interests include swimming, deep sea diving and water-puddle sculpture art. I like the works of Earnest Hemingway, my favorite modern film is Finding Nemo and I am an ardent die-hard fan of the musical group Phish.
In closing, I hope MII considers my formal accreditation and personal passion to be above-ample proof that I will become a productive and successful member of your institute. For there is nothing other within my upward swim to the Source of the Stream, but the pursuit of bettering the Future of Humanity, while bettering my own future. I will bring much greatness and award to the ever-succeeding research at MII.
As a final token of my undeniable devotion to the Cause of Madness, I have included a short poem for you to enjoy, written in Glu-Glub, the official language of the Fish Nation of the Pleiades Star System Alliance:
“Gu Glalub Ubla”
Gulla ghu'bo gu aglup Guha go
Aglup Glaglo go, aglup Guue go
Blo g blup ugga oob, ugga oob Gubla go
Gah gluu gluu ge, gaala gaala ge
Ghu baaa gla gl-glabb gu, gollob ubla bal ghuo
Blagluglug plubla ghlop glalobb bubl uuu
Globu gaboop gu g baa buglop uu
Globb globb uuu g, gah pl-boggl plaa glabol ghu
Gubh gahopp plaa uu gahah plobbl ob go
!Glabba gouh gl-oubba agloga ghah uu plaa bo ghuo!
!Agool ag-guaa ug gha gopplu gluubl boglap g!
!Glag boggba gla ug gha pagluub uuu u!
Bloppl gla g ag, plappl boblop g, agogg bal ga bup
Gloopl balluu bal ghuub g, gopp plogga gaplog go
Ab agloppl ghu gu, bl-ghoopa, gl-agaaga buuu ga
Gloobl abb-g, ablogglp baa abb-g
Apoggo gohoo gha abb-g blopp bal ha
Abogg gloppl ghe g, oooba abogg ha gah
Oooba ghuo gla g baa ugga u
Paglopgl gu bal glabl gulobb ab-ghu ub u
Baggoo aglopp obb ghlo bal ploppogl g'pu
Bogap poblaggl gla g puu
.Paa, bogap poblaggl Gla g puu.
Thank you,
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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