Dear Retail

Dear retail positions everywhere:

   I would like to thank you for poisoning our souls, blackening our hearts and killing our creativity with every hour we spend near you. I would also like to thank you for the generous wage that you provide so we can pay all of our bills and expenses. It's so reassuring that our minimum wage rate can provide us to afford a months basic grocery necessity, rent, student loan payments, general debt, owning a car, or having families with children. I just want to know how you expect the hard working people of this world to survive? How can they afford to live happily, and healthy when you take so much from them and give them so little. You expect the most, give the least, and care of nothing but profit. You claim to have great benefits, but you make us pay out of our own pockets. You say you help the community, but yet you charge them double and triple what you pay for basic, or necessary goods.
 You as a whole are creating ticking time bombs feuled with anger, frustration, helplessness, depression, and maybe the worst of all, the fact that you don't see us as humans with real emotions and hardships, but rather numbers and codes on a page, or computer screen. You are killing us all more than we ever could by our own hands, and for that, I would like to thank you.
   I hope that soon you realize the weight of your decisions, the stress you cause and the good people you turn into monsters. Maybe it's not all you though, but the environment you create, the harsh and at times verbally, or physically violent people you turn us into. The negative energy that pulses through your walls, your unnatural lights and concrete surface is an anomaly to us. It hits without warning. You are a necessary evil it seems and for that I thank you, because I know that outside of you, there is some good left in this world.


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Written by Ace_Avery (Clint Avery)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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