come awake

come awake
to a nation of prosper
to a nation of freedom

let the decay
of yesterday
float away
and stay
gone from this land
of brothers standing strong
one for all
all for one
no selfishness
just selflessness

come awake
unto a land
where all men
and all women
are given a chance
to a land of old
a forgotten promise land

come awake
where men do not try
to destroy
other men
to a land
were we fight together
and never
fight one another
to a land
of hope
and let it be known
that we would never
strike down our own kind
only those who seek to destroy us

for we should destroy
those who have corrupted this forgotten prmise land
with the disgrace
of there greed
those men
and women
that we have hired
to run this great nation
that is slowly
being brought to its knees
Written by anonymouslyhere (Pariah Shadow)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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