A poem about a computer

When I open my eyes
the first thing I see is you.
While my eyesight is still blurry
I can make out your shape
cause you were always there for me.
„Man.. I, wish you were furry“
I, get out of my bed and walk over to you
and press your button gently
watching you wake and start your system.
All those lights lighting up,
those wonderful sounds...
„What a sight!“
In my head I'm thinking :
„You're the most wonderful creature I ever met“
Beyond reasons known to me,
I sit on this chair,
leaned back and just observing its curves.
„I, wish your were a woman.“
That metal case,
shows me there's no such place
that could show your magnificent glory
but on my desk.
„You shine bright like a trophy.“
Indeed, my computer is my trophy.
I, worked so hard on its wires,
cards, monitors, keyboard and the little mouse.
„Ah. Yes. You, deserve only the best.“
But, one faightful day...
Tragic occurred.
Before I went to college,
I scanned my computer and all its glory
to make sure there are no threats
so I won't have to fret.
All the scans came out clear.
I, was relieved and happy so I went on my way.
In college I plugged in my USB stick
„I, wish I never did that, now.“
to get my work.
After unplugging it I went back home
then plugged into my computer...
No, it's  not just a computer but, my life.
I, plugged it in to set up backups
but, little did I know a tragedy was about occur.
500 viruses, of all shapes and forms,
transferred themselves onto my computer.
I, was in a Skype call when my computer
started malfunctioning. I, got very worried.
„Boy, did I have a reason to get worried.“
I, kept running scans after scans and all of them reported
500 viruses!
„Oh, dear.“ I, thought to myself
„Whatever shall I do?“ I, wondered.
I, kept trying and trying but,
at the very spark of light it kept crashing.
I, thought it was dying.
I, did all that I could but there was no hope.
I, sat back to think but couldn't think of anything
but, I never gave up.
I, worked for days to get it up and running
and just when I lost all of my hope and proclaimed it's death at 10:47pm of January the 12th, 2014.
a miracle occurred.
It's lightly started flashing again,
I, heard that, oh, so familiar, beeping noise it made.
„It's alive!“
So, now, bit by bit, I am working on fixing it.
It's former shine and glory shall be restored
and we shall continue gaming
Like we did before.
Written by TheFallenAngelist
Published | Edited 25th Apr 2014
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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