
you make me feel like the Ggod
that is my birthright
and  you the Ggoddess-void cradling me
in your girl belly
all warm and begging me to release
everything into you
all the want
but also all the pain
everything thats hurt and everything good
for how can happiness be recognized
without sadness
and this not to beat or
weigh you down with my troubles
because the void just takes it all in
and reverts it all back
not into chaos
but into nothingness
though really
all of this
is only you and I
I knew this
I just didnt know who the void was
just me with all the chaos I've
built out of a simple game of othello
and swimming in the sea of consciousness
that you gave to me
and you the one always hiding in plain sight
because you're everywhere
now I want nothing more than for us to
be back together
not as one
but as none
sleep together
you having fulfilled your desire to
be recognized of yourself
and me not the almighty but
the only real thing
perhaps unnecessary now that we've come full circle
(though I know you'd disagree)
so we've engraved into the side of everything and nothing:
the words "nathan loves laura"
and we leave it at that
close your eyes dear one
we're home
Written by noonenothingnone (nathan i)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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