If You Have The Time

I know that you are busy.
I know that you might not have the time.
But I didn't send them to you so they may gather dust and grime.
I sent them to you so that you may read those words, adventures,
plots and worlds.
I gave you those pieces of art that I crafted and carved.
Not so you may ignore them whether you meant to or not.
I took alot of time to write those stories that you have there.
They brought alot of pain, blood and tears.
They pushed me to the brink of what it means to truly write.
They brought me tears an broke my heart.
And made me stay awake throughout the night.
I'm sorry if I am being a pest.
I'm sorry if I am being a pain.
If you listen to me this last time.
I will not ask you again.
But those stories aren't just stories.
Those words aren't just words.
They are my life and my career.
I have finished them but that's not the hard part.
The hard part of writing is this.
When a story is complete and checked through and fixed.
The only part that is left is getting people to read it.
And who better than to start the train of events then the people that helped me through it.
Who put up with my ups and downs,
My bipolar moods,
My anger at the characters,
And my anger at myself too.

Those are the people that readers will see,
when they open the cover and the first page they read.
Are the dedications and thank you's to all that helped,
this writer see this story through from beginning to end.
Don't you my friend want to be, that person, that person that I thank on that page?
That first page that a reader sees.
Because I want to put you all there, every last one.
But I need you to help me for that to be done.
I need you to read these stories when you find the time.
Whether they're finished or not, because well they're mine.
They're the stories I wrote.
And you're my friend.
Because I would do the same for you.
If you needed me to lend a hand.
I've been there for you.
Now be here for me.
These are my problems,
My heartbreaks,
and disappointments, you see.
They might not seem like much but trust me they are.
They've brought me joy and pain.
Lots of sunshine and plenty of rain.
This life I have chosen it is my cross to bear.
But I need some help, some help to get there.
To that hard cover.
That bestsellers list.
To that page with your names, all of your names on it.
So please help me.
Just like I helped you.
Because that is what friends do.

I know that you are busy.
I know that you might not have the time.

But when you get a chance. . .
If you have the time. . .
A glance.
A glimpse.
Can you?
Will you?
Just read some of my story, for me.
Written by Page_Writer (Mad Girl)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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