Stupid Hoes

What's a mother to you?
Willing to break her neck so her children have a safe roof over their head, Never puts anyone else before them, Doesn't talk shit about their fathers to them or even around them because that mothafucker ain't shit because he's not doing shit for them or her but she decided to lay down and have a baby with his ass knowing he wasn't gonna stay, or was never prepared for the unexpected, Communicates with her children, teaches them lessons about others and how to survive, helps them out with their homework, tries not to let them see her down and sad and depressed, listens to her children when their talking to her, feeds her kids before she can feed herself, makes sure they have clean clothes on their backs and school supplies in their backpacks, teaches them how to defend theirselves, teaches them how to act in certain places, just keeps that mother daughter/son bond/relationship with them, when they look at their mother they see no one else but their mother, their hero, the one that gave them the life that they didn't ask for so why treat them bad? why put someone less important to your life before your kids, they have eyes to see you, they have ears to hear you, they have legs to come to you, and they have arms to hold you. when they need to feel their chest against your body which was their home for nine and a half months and they just want to be reminded that theres no place like home, It was her CHOICE to give up her life to start a new beginning, there's absolutely NO excuse for any mother to treat their children like they do today, maybe, just maybe if these bitches WAITED to have babies instead of being babies theirselves and learned more about it instead of just going with the flow then maybe there would be a lot of happier babies out her, NO CHILD should ever feel a hunger pain, NO CHILD should ever have to wear the same outfit for a week straight. NO CHILD should ever see their mother doing things she doesn't want to do but have too because she had to face the consequences of moving to fast, and wheres her baby dad? only GOD KNOWS THE ANSWER TO THAT BECAUSE HE LEFT HER ASS. You vulnerable dumb ass bitches need to step y'all pussies up and stop having y'all kids looking like a fucking troll on the corner of 7th and Nicollet while y'all trying to get hollered at or looking to turn up somewhere thinkin' y'all hoes is cute and shit and for the bitches that has kids and is doing good for them well this ain't for y'all but I know you know who I'm talking about and what it is too. Be about your business and get off that corner with yo kids and put them in the crib somewhere safe! that shit is fucking sad and all that their gonna do is grow up and kill eachother just like the 90s babies cause y'all been living like savages since the day you gave birth to them because y'all to busy being heavily influenced by the music out here and is taking it in wrong, chacing niggas instead of chacing dreams, more worried about the next bitch and how their baby is doing when your baby is about to get hit by a car, bus, bike, animal, etc. it goes on and on and on. a repeated cylce of the same shit, nothing positive comes out your mouths using the state for food stamps that yall just sell to get money for a concert a couple of outfits, some dude, some shoes, and where does the rest go? oh yeah, pockets, purses, loud and botttles, what a great example you're putting on for our future, did you bitches not know that when we get older our lives are going to be in their hands, but instead their hands are gonna be holding knives, guns, brass knuckles, joints, alcohol, a stolen cellphone coke, heroin, lean, ecstasy, crack rocks, stolen ID, someones blood, and a smurk on their face like "I wish a bitch would" when it should be a diploma, GED, their own ID, hard earned money that they legally worked for, keys to their cars, house, condo, mansion, duplex, etc. And a smile on their face like "I did it". These days legs are open and minds are closed, everyone is just following the next guy, whether its style, lifestyle, anything, just because that fucker thinks they look good so everyone else is trying to fit in. But for what? so y'all don't get talked about?? It's 2013 the bug is out, I am addressing the elephant in the room that people are gone talk regardless, you can't stop it, it's a freedom of speech, and y'all decide to take it the wrong way instead of taking it to consideration and make something postitve with it, ladies WAKE UP you're fucking with a life right now, FELLAS y'all aren't innocent either, most of y'all done flipped the script a few years back and made it a disaster of it and now look where we are, so broken that we can't even stay sober anymore, finding any excuse to why you're fucking shit up. So mad at the police, quick to say fuck them, fuck the feds but be shook when they ride past, you ain't bad, you're just a stupid motherfucker.
Written by WiZDOM_MONROE
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