But "apathetic orange squeezer" doesn't do anything for you? --Fair enough.
Actually, to somewhat explain this little piece, I meant to have two mildly incompatible, yet slightly compatible ideas together in one phrase--apathy and healthfulness. And as "apathetic" at least somewhat still stresses the "a" at the beginning, and "orange" stresses the "o" at the beginning, they seemed to go well together.
Yes, I do have other material I haven't put here yet, which is longer than this, and possibly says a few more things. I'll let those poems out to play a little bit too if I feel they're ready to play.
Yes. Thank you very much for your appreciation and observation.
Actually, it's my fault, in that enjoying what came before I made it appear that I didn't enjoy this poem, which I did, even without gleaning it's nuance, I loved the phonetic sound of it. It rolled off my tongue when I spoke it out loud.