
Standing alone in a pitch black room
I turn on the lights to see what death has consumed
Hundreds of bodies littered all over the floor
A gun in my hand that wasn't there before
My hands are all shakey and it's hard to breathe
I wanna head for the door but something won't let me leave
Staring at the carnage, what the fuck am i gonna do
All my mind keeps seeing is the red and the blue
I see something moving out the corner of my eye
A man coming at me, I guess he didn't die
His eyes glaring at me with revenge on his mind
I'm out of bullets reaching for the first thing I can find
He is walking towards me and he has a wicked grin
He points at me and says, "Time to pay for your sins."
Then is body explodes, craziest shit I've ever seen
Then I hear a buzzer waking me from this dream

I wake up every morning with me choking somebody
I'd swear it was a dream but my hands are all bloody
My mind is driving me crazy and I wish it was gone
I'm being controlled by Satan's best spawn
And it's got it's claws deep inside my brain
I'm strapped to a table now totally insane
A doctor walks in with a needle in his hand
He says take this, soon you'll understand
He injects me with his venom, its starts to boil my blood
A pain inside my head, starts to thud
I'm a walking freakshow, my eyeballs dangling from their socket
My face is all melted like I just swallowed a rocket
They lock me in a cage away from society
I got a shank ready for the one who holds the key
Awake again, but what is this pain that I feel
I'm haunted by my dreams or is the shit really real

It's another night, am I already asleep
Fuck it, this shits getting deep
Walk in my house who is this man that I see
Kissing on my wife, playing the role of me
Something in me snapped as I grabbed him by the throat
My hands are like a vise as I start to choke
I look at my wife, she's more scared than I've ever seen
Wake me up baby, save me from this dream
Her face is all pale, I see this look in her eye
Then I notice a full moon hanging in the sky
Cops busted in and got me forced to the ground
The click of the cuffs was a deafening sound
I smile because I know that I will be waking soon
I never knew that I was sealing my own doom
Twenty years later I'm still waiting to awake
I guess those dreams I was having were never really fake
Written by dathrill
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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